𝟷𝟻 ♡ Devil's Advocate

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Devil's Advocate By The Neighbourhood


It was a calm and cloudy day in the paddock. Teams bustling around, getting ready for interviews and media duty. I was on the Mclaren hospitality balcony overlooking a grassy patch where the sun shone. Azalea and Max were playing a little football game with some weird goggles on their face. They seemed to be having a blast together.  

"Whatcha watching," Daniel exclaimed, sneaking up behind me. Smacking me on the back. 

"Uh, nothing mate I just-" I began to say, "Oh look, Max and Az are playing goggle games," He said as he spotted them down below, pointing them out. 

I faked a laugh and tried to show my amusement to him. 

I can't say I'm jealous. Not jealous. They've been friends longer anyway. And I like Max. Plus he doesn't know about us so I can't really blame him. They just get to spend more time together because they're teammates. Maybe I just wish that was me. 

"Hey, Daniel?" I turned to face him.

"What's up, mate?"

"If you liked a girl," I turned my head away from him. "But it looks like she has more... fun a different guy. What would you do?" I finished and looked at him again.

The gears looked like they were turning in his head. He glanced down at Azalea and Max, then back to me. Then back and forth a couple more times before his eyes widened in realization. 

Shoot. I gave us away. 

"You like Az?" He half whispered, half shouted. "Does she know?" He continued. 

Okay, only gave myself away. 

Well, no turning back. "No, she doesn't, and don't say anything mate." I made myself sound serious for Az's privacy sake.

"Okay, welcome to Danny Ric's class of girls 101," He straightened. "Class is in session," He said, as he flicked his sunglasses down his nose to stare at me from over them. 

When I only stared at him back he continued by nonchalantly saying, "Although maybe we should enlist Max, he seems to know her well." He turned to walk inside, wanting me to follow. "Always buying her gifts," He continued, shaking his head slightly. 


"Alright, watch and learn."

Daniel started sauntering over to Azalea with a little swagger in his step. She was standing alone, having a drink from her water bottle. 

"Azalea," He stretched his arm towards her as he approached. She turned her attention up to him and a smile grew on her face as she faced him. 

"Hi Danny," She gently spoke. 

"Just wanted to let you know that you should watch your super license," He started to back away then continued, "might get taken away cause you," He pointed at her,  "drive me crazy," He finished my draw a heart in the air. When he reached me he gave me a little 'told ya' face before walking back into hospitality. 

I snuck a look back at Azalea, seeing her have a slight stunned look on her face. 


"What was that all about?" Max came to stand beside me with an amused look on his face, looking where Daniel just disappeared into Mclaren with Lan.

"I think Danny just tried his pick up material on me," I said looking in the same direction, arching a brow in amusment. 

"Lovely," Max said before walking away again. 


"Ah, that was my favourite part, You and Max just shovelling down the ice cream tubs was hilarious!" 

After the busy media day, Lan surprised me by taking me out for dinner. We were just walking down the sidewalk towards a restaurant. I was bugging him about his Quadrant videos with his friend Max Fewtrell. 

His face turned almost crimson with embarrasment as I brought up the hot sauce video. He playfully pushed me to the side saying, "Hey!" as he did so. 

After we both finished laughing he said, "I didn't know you watched those," looking down at me with what I could see was a small smile. 

"Of course I do," I began, returning the eye contact. "Even before we became friends actually."

He hummed in response, growing his smile as he continued looking at me. 


For dinner, he had picked out this cute and small place by the water. We were both sat outside on the bar area, facing the sidewalk area and water. 

It was a perfect evening, just the two of us. He always keeps me on my toes with having the cutest little ways of pulling me away from reality. 

I had just finished laughing at something he said when I looked towards him. Taking in his devilishly handsome looks and his outfit that made me want to melt. My eyes wandered and landed at his eyes, finding such complexity and admiration. He smirked and leaned in for a kiss, upon seeing how I was taking him in. So I smiled and threw my arms around his neck, returning the kiss. 

Breaking out of the kiss and settling back in my seat I looked forward and jumped slightly, being taken off guard by the two bimbos staring in front of us. 

Max, eyebrows slightly furrowed and mouth agape. And Daniel beside him, eyes as wide as I've seen and eyebrows shot through the roof. 


Lando and I only returned their stares.

Daniel slackened his face and had the biggest grin ever as he pointed at Lando, "You my man," he slid his eyes over to me, "Work fast." 

What the hell does that mean?

I shot Lando a puzzled look but he only shook his head in reponse. A silent symbol that he would explain later. 

"Yeah about that-" Lando started, looking at me in conformation. I nodded slightly. They are our best friends, they deserve to know. 

"Oi, mind if we join ya? I wanna know which pick up line you decided to go with," Daniel decided to speak up instead of hearing out Lando as he made his way into the restaurant. Max, quietly following behind. 

Daniel sat beside Lando which left Max beside me. This felt so awkward for no reason. Max and I tell eachother everything, this shouldn't be this hard. 

Daniel and Lando got swept into conversation. More with Daniel just talking at Lando in excitement. So I turned toward Max and faced him. 

"I'm sorry," 

He turned up towards me taken slightly aback. 

"What for?" 

"I don't know, the fact you had to find out like this."

"Well what is this exactly?" He gestured between the two of us.

I looked back at Lan, then over to Max and leaned in slightly. "To be honest, I'm not exactly sure, but I'm enjoying myself,"  I whispered.

"Well that's good then. As long as you're happy, yea?" He nodded solemnly. 

"I guess so, yeah." 

It didn't seem as easy as that. Although a unique connection, I felt something missing. 

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