Chapter Four- Demons, Dad And Drama

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 This chapter is dedicated to XxSkater2Girl16xX because i LOVE her characters they all have their own individuality but can still manage to share the same page time!! :) Keep amazing me!!


This chapter is really funny... lol i had a blast writing it! ;) Any ways read and comment

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I mumbled something incoherent. My mother stroked my forehead. “Besides you can’t judge the whole of humanity by one DVD. You never know how different they may actually be.”

My mind raced as a plan formed in my head. I may not know but I was sure going to find out. I think this might just work. For the love of extra cheese I was a half angel. I was going to do my research for angels hate the unknown.

I was surely going to find out about them.

Only… not as Arabella.

This could work.

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Chapter Four

I was having breakfast for the third time when mother dashed into the kitchen frantically tossing things into her purse. I studied my mother as I scarfed down my seven layer pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream, topped with a dash of chocolate syrup and a hint of mint.

I moaned in pleasure as the sweet hot goodness melted in my mouth and I gave myself a mental pat on the back for being such an amazing cook. My mother stood near the doorway, frantically digging through her purse for something.

Her pale lustrous blonde hair was set in a messy bun at the nape of her neck while her huge hyacinth blue eyes focused on something deep in her purse.

My mother had delicate creamy skin with a hint of rose that glowed under the morning light. By glow I wasn’t using some crazy metaphor. My mother’s skin literally radiates it’s own soft glow, it’s some bizarre angel mojo. It’s very faint for human eyes to perceive. My mother, naturally being an angel, is stunning beautiful but even amongst her own kind she is by far the most exquisite I have ever seen. I think her charm lies in her utter obliviousness to her own beauty, you see angels aren’t supposed to be vain.

Blessed with immortality and eternal youth, to humans she still appears in her early twenties, but she’s way older. Like she could most probably make comments such as “I met your ancestors and I must say you have inherited their nose” But of course she wisely refrains from mentioning such things to humans. I don’t know my mother’s age. It’s kind of comical how touchy she is about revealing her true age.

“Where’s the fire?” I asked her curiously while she snatched her grey cardigan from the table in haste. My mother snapped her watch on her wrist as she answered, “I received a call from Liam’s office, He has requested me to go pick up some colleague of his from the station” I grimaced at that. “Only Liam would make you work at a Sunday morning. He’s a slave driver, you should totally sue him.” I snickered as I imagined Liam behind bars while he screamed to the warden his roommate was a demon.

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