Author's Note

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Hello wattpaders!!

Yes it's me. i know you guys were probably wondering if i was dead or abducted by aliens but the truth is...  i was just simply busy.

i know lame excuse everybody reading Halo Or Horns probably wants to throttle me or have probably fantasized about tracking down my ip address and murdering me (i used to feel like that sometimes when people just didn't upload but i never posted my death threats even though i was SO tempted) So the fact that none of you have not yet posted me any death threats just shows what nice, decent human beings you all are! *sheepish grin*

Now what you all have been questioning me about since a *wince* month:



Okay now what i am about to type next is not exactly good news... it is good news( for me atleast) but i'm not sure if you still don't want to murder me..

Halo Or Horns is right now under talks of being published. Right now nothing is final, they have accepted the manuscript for publishing but i'm still considering whether or not to accept because there are a lot of technicalities and i have to spend a lot of time in the process(which i don't have at the moment)  if i do accept.

So as the book is in the talks of being published i cannot upload anymore.

The good news is if it is published you could read it in print.

Bad news is you cannot read further than Chapter ten on Wattpad.

I'm sorry everybody i know you all were very eager about the book and most of you were dying to know what happens next... if you have any questions about the characters or anything, i have no problem answering your questions here, if you want.

Other than that i have some hilarious new ideas that i have been playing around with and have a few chapters stored on my desktop, maybe i might just upload them on wattpad.

So sorry guys ;( But on the brightside hopefully we may just have HOH in print soon XD!!!!

To all my faithful readers and fans---- Thankyou so much for being there. You all have been my inspiration and strength to write. When readers tell me my work made them smile or laugh i feel like i'm doing something much more than just spinning my crazy side on paper :)

So thank you all. LOVE YOU WATTPADERS!!! hopefully you'll see me upload something new soon!!!

----- em aka. violetink 

Halo Or Horns? (Only Ten Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now