National City

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AN* Anything italicized, will be in Kyrptonian. Anything that is in regular font will be English. Until Atlas starts to speak English full time, she won't be able to understand it.

Atlas landed on an undisclosed island when she was 14 years old. One year younger than her sister Kara. Atlas spent around two years looking for Kara, not knowing that they didn't land together. When she gave up hope, she had to look for things to survive. It didn't seem that anyone was coming to save her. She spent 11 years on the island with no hope for escape. On the 11th year, she learned her last ability, flight. When she mastered this, she took off from the island, not looking back. She flew to the nearest landmark, and it happened to be Metropolis. Little did she know that she was being tracked by the DEO.

Well, this place looks nice. I just have to find somewhere to live. I fly around looking for some sort of abandoned building, and I see one. I land at the building and take a look at it. It is fairly big, and it is out of the city. Is it in a field of grass? I think it is called grass? The building is big and red. I gather a bunch of the tall grass and put it inside, making a place for me to lay. I see some clothes that look like it would fit me, and I get excited. Finally, something comfortable. I look around to see if I can find a water source. I use my hearing and hear running water nearby. I bring the clothes and walk to it. I clean myself off before discarding the makeshift clothes and putting on the new ones. It is a button-up red and black shirt with some pants. I wish I had that thing that helps you with the private areas. The under things you put under your clothes so you are not free balling. In my case, literally. I gather some more of the tall grass because the temperature is going down. I need something to keep me warm, even if it won't help a lot. I spend the next few days in this big red building before I go into the city to get food. I tried to get some at the place with a big M. But I couldn't understand a word they were saying. Damn. This is going to be super difficult. I saw that a man was on the street with a cup full of green paper. Did he just get grass and make it flat? What does he need that for? Someone just gave him food! The next day, I grabbed this straw thing that looked like a plate, but it had a big hole in the middle. It looks like it could go on my head, but I don't want to look out of place. I take this thing and go to a street. I sit there until their yellow sun sets. When I leave, I have this meat slab in between some thick light green grass, a smaller red circle thing, and bread. I also have some of that flat green grass that has numbers on it. I think I will be good for a couple of days.


J'onn: We need to apprehend this being now.

Alex: I agree, but we need to do it carefully. We don't need to spook them.

Kara: Something is off. I can feel it.

Kara goes up to study the pictures the DEO has taken closely.

Brainy: They seem to be passive. I have not seen them do anything hostile. I haven't even heard this woman speak.

Alex: They have powers, and we have no idea what they are. What if they do something or another organization gets ahold of them? We have to act now.

Kara is still studying this mysterious woman. She is trying to figure out why the woman looks so familiar.

Kara: Oh Rao!

Kara takes off to where the woman is residing. She realized why she knew this face and went to her lost sister. Kara lands near the abandoned barn and starts to walk up to it. Before she can get in, her sister walks out.

Kara: Rao, it is you.

The woman looks at her confused. Can she not understand me?

Atlas's POV*

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