New Job

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I get into the building and get a good look around. It is beautiful. I didn't really get a look when I was here for my interview, but now that I am looking at it, it is amazing. I go into the artifact area and see some men's attention go to a woman walking in. She is wearing a black dress that hugs her in the right places. She looks amazing. I turn from the people and walk into the area. Look at all of these artifacts.

Jessica: Atlas, it is great to have you here. These are some artifacts that came from Egypt. Another tomb was found. We just need these dated and labeled. You will be working with Miss Prince.

Bro, what?

Me: Oh that is ok. I can do this alone.

Boss: Are you sure? This is a lot of work.

Me: I am sure. I will have it done by the end of the week.

Jessica: Well with your work ethic I am sure a promotion will be in your future.

Me: Thank you ma'am.

I start working on the artifacts. Human technology is good, but our tech at home was better. I loved building things when I was home. I get some materials and use it to make a more reliable time locater. This should be able to tell when this was made. It looks like a pendant. It has some boats and water engraved on it. I use the brush to get some of the dirt off. I wonder if I can make something to get the rest and dirt off of the pennant. I gather some equipment to test to see if I can make the gadget. I sit there and start making it. I throw on some music and start to get into my own little world. I work on the artifacts and my side project for a couple of months, cooped up in my office.

Diana: You are dedicated aren't you?

I look up at her and take off my goggles. I was using some old jewelry of mine to test to see if my gadget works. I take the rusted ring out of it and turn my attention to Diana.

Me: I guess. I was just testing something out.

Diana comes closer to me and hovers over my shoulder.

Diana: Testing what?

I can't think straight right now. I should be able to keep my hormones in check man. But I can feel her breath on my neck and I start to get chills.

Me: Umm.. just to see if I could restore the quality of the pennant. But it is just a side project.

Diana: You made this?

Me: Yes.

Diana: How long did it take you to do it.

Me: I mean about 2 months. But I need to make sure it will do what I want and not damage the artifacts. Anyway, did you need something? *I hate talking about myself. It makes me uncomfortable*

Diana: I haven't seen you leave this room in a couple of days.

Me: Oh. I am ok.

Diana: Kal and Kara reached out to me about you.

Me: About?

Diana: Kal said he rarely sees you. Kara misses you.

Me: I will see them tomorrow.

She says nothing but is still standing there.

Me: Are you alright?

Diana: Come to lunch with me.

Me: Um, I don't know Diana.

Diana: Come on. Please.

I sit there thinking about it. Maybe if I go she will chill out.

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