Moving in

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It is so fucking hot outside right now. I have discarded most of my clothes in this heat. I am in some basketball shorts and a sports bra. Rao have mercy. I am in the middle of carrying this box inside when my cousin speaks.

Kal: Diana! I'm glad you could make it!

Diana?! What the hell?

I turn around to see the beautiful woman and drop the box.

Diana: Good to see you too Quinn.

I blush, pick up the box, and go in. But not before I catch Diana looking at my body. Making me blush harder. I am going to kill Kal and whoever was in on this. I start unpacking my box and find my picture of my family. This is the only thing that I brought from Krypton. Well this and my blanket. But all of us came with our blanket. Kal and Kara use it as a cape. Mine is hanging up behind my bed. The difference between mine and my families is that it has our family's emblem on it and it is blue.

Diana: May I help?

Me: Oh shit! *She is quiet*

Diana: Apologies. I didn't mean to scare you.

Me: No worries. What brought you here?

Diana: Oh, Kal and Kara said you were a little bummed about the not getting coffee. So I just wanted to help and see you.

Me: Oh, I am fine. I had to tell Jes that I couldn't this weekend as well.

Diana: Jessica? Our boss?

Me: Yea. She seemed super nervous and her face was doing that red thing.

Diana: Blushing. Blushing.

Me: Blushing, thank you.

Diana: Anytime. Anyway she sounds like she has a crush on you.

Me: That is what the humans call feelings right?

Diana: Yes.

Me: Oh, I don't think so. I hope not.

Diana: Why not. She is a beautiful woman.

Me: Because I am not interested in her like that. Plus, I like someone else.

Diana: Oh? Who?

Usually I can't tell when she is upset. But I have been trying to pay attention. She scrunches up her eyebrows and she dis-connects eye contact with the person. Or her voice goes down an octave. Every time I am in the office late or she finds out that I've been there for a couple of days, she does this. Then tries to get me out of the office, which usually fails.

Me: It isn't important right now. How was your date with James?

Diana: Oh it was very nice. We are going out again tomorrow.

Me: Oh ok.

I walk away to get another box to bring in. Diana is close behind me.

Diana: Did I say something wrong?

Me: No. Not at all.

Diana: Why did you leave?

Me: Because I am trying to unpack the little I have into my house.

Diana: But we were speaking.

Me: Yes, and the speaking slowed. So I went to get another box.

Diana puts her hand on the box I was holding making me drop it.

Me: Diana!

Diana: Stop. Talk to me.

Me: What do you want to talk about miss Prince?

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