Nighttime Talks

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My sleep schedule is shit. I wake up from nightmares and just don't go back to sleep. This time I woke up, but not from a nightmare. I am confused because I am still mentally asleep. I look down to see Diana lying on top of me. Our legs are intertwined, and her head is on my neck. I don't know when my shirt came off, but it did. She starts to stir awake.

Diana: What time is it?

I look over at my phone.

Me: 2:59.

Diana: You have only been asleep for an hour. Go back to bed.

Me: How do you know? I have been asleep the whole time. Also, when did my shirt come off?

Diana: You were crying in your sleep. You woke up in a panic and I couldn't get you calm. Well until I realized skin to skin calms you down. It was the only thing that helped. I put my hands on your stomach but...*She points to the torn shirt on the floor* You tore it off of your body when I did that.

Me: Oh ok. Yea, when I would come home to my parents my mom did that. I guess it never went away. I am sorry if I scared you.

Diana: You didn't. Come home?

Me: Um yea... up until I was shipped off here, I was experimented on. From the time I was a baby until Krypton exploded.

Diana: What? Why would they do that?

Me: Because my father needed a position. He didn't really like me either, so it was a win, win for him.

Diana: What did they do to you?

I look down at my scars and her gaze follows mine. I turn on my lamp so she can see, and I hear her breath catching in her throat. I feel her start tracing my scars and it feels like they are opening back up. I watch her as we both silently cry. Why is she crying? I bring her face up and wipe her tears.

Me: Why are you crying love?

Diana: What did they do to you?

Me: Nothing I couldn't handle.

She wipes the tears from my face. She is hovering over me with her head in her hand. I can't help but to look at her features. She is so effortlessly beautiful. It doesn't make any sense. I move some hair out of her face, and I feel her lean into my touch.

Me: You are so beautiful Diana.

Diana: Stop.

Me: No, I mean it. You are the most beautiful creature I have laid my eyes on.

Diana: You are only saying that because your brain is clouded.

Me: No, I am clearer minded than I have ever been.

We started leaning into each other.

Diana: Don't do this.

Me: Why not?

We continue to lean in.

Diana: Because we are just getting back to us. I don't want to mess it up again.

Me: You won't.

We are only inches away from each other.

Diana: How do you know?

Me: Because I would move planets to see you smile every day. To hear you laugh. To hear you talk about the things you love. I would put the world on my shoulders forever if it meant you were happy and ok. Not being treated like shit from douche bag men. Diana, I have so many feelings for you I can't put them into words...

Diana: Atlas...

Our lips are so close that I can feel her breath on my lips. Every time we talk, they brush each other.

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