Locked up

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We leave and he takes me to this underground place.

Lex: Go there.

I walk over to this hole in the wall dungeon thing. He puts two chain cuffs on each of my arms. Then three chain cuffs on each of my legs. One on each of my ankles, one on each of my calves, and one on each of my knees.

Lex: So, you are immune to kryptonite?

I say nothing.

Lex: The silent type.


Lex: Well, my mother and I were working on a synthetic version of kryptonite. We called it the clear kryptonite. We tried it on the other supers, but it actually helped them. Go figure. I want to see what it does to you.

He flips a switch, and the lights change into a lower hue. But I am feeling off.

Lex: We dont really have a use for you, except that you are clearly close to the supers and the justice league. So, you are going to answer our questions. Or *He uses his pen and stabs it in me. I look at it as it is poking out of my arm. Shit, not this again* You will get more of this.

He turns this camera on, and it starts ringing. I am not really paying attention because I am feeling pain for the first time in about a decade.

Jonn: Lex. Turn her over.

I look up to see Kara, Jonn, Kal, and Diana in the screen. Well, there are more, but they caught my attention. Diana is standing. She is healed. Thank Rao.

Lex: Well, I called to see if any of you wanted to reveal the list of aliens you have.

Kara: You know we cant do that.

I hear footsteps to see a big guy with a dolly of weapons. Shit. I have never been so happy that I was tortured as a child. Maybe it wont hurt so bad.

Lex: Oh well.

The guy grabs a small knife and walks to me.

Kal: Lex, let her go!

The man slices the top of the suit off. Thank Rao he didnt slice my sports bra up. Maybe I thanked too soon. He grabs another medium sized knife and softly rubs it on my chest. Shit.

Lex: Give me a name.

Jonn: No.

Lex waves his hand, and my skin is being split open. I stare right into the mans eyes, not making a sound. This seems to anger the man and Lex. So, he uses the knife to cut from my shoulder blade to the end of my abdomen. I am shaking with sweat covering my body. My head drops from the pain.

Lex: Give me a name!

Me: You want a name?

He and the people on the screen look at me.

Me: Atlas.

Lex: And who may that be?

Me: Me. Now do your best to kill me you bastard.

Thank Rao that the experiments gave me powers before the yellow sun. I gather up some strength and use my lasers to tear apart the room. Lex and the man scatter to get away. What I didnt see was the man get a sledgehammer. He used it to knock me out. Fuck, that hurt. When I come too, there is dried blood all on my face and my body. I feel like shit. All this clear kryptonite does is make me vulnerable. It doesnt completely nullify my powers. It just makes it where it is extremely difficult to use. I open my eyes, but I still see darkness. I start turning my head.

Lex: Oh, you are awake. I thought this stuff would stop your powers. You have lead on your eyes. So, if you try that again, you will only hurt yourself. A couple of weeks go by with him trying to get information out of me. I dont budge. This session of torture the kryptonian, I hear the tv thing start calling again.

Lex: Last chance, tell me who they are.

Kara: Fine. But let her go.

Lex: Oh no. She will be the first to die.

Kara: No.

I feel something plunge into my back. I dont know why, but my wounds are not healing. Not fully. I am not bleeding out, but they are not closed. I start to zone out from the conversation as more objects stab and slash me. The pain is worsening.

Zod: Weak.

I look up. Zod?

Zod: You are weak. You are letting the pain get to you. You were the best soldier I owned.

Me: You didnt own me. I wasnt yours.

Zod: You were mine. Bought and paid for. We were a great team.

Me: No team. It was life or death for me.

Zod: What do you think this is? He is manipulating your family through you. Threatening to kill them and others like you.

Me: And what did you do?!

Zod: Made you better! Better than you ever could have been! Better than you ever would be! Use what I gave you! PUNISH HIM!

He disappears. Maybe he is right. I need to punish him. He is hurting the ones I love and care most for. Why wouldnt I want to stop him? To make sure my people are safe. I lift my hands to grab the chains and start pulling, making the ceiling rumble. I use my lasers to melt the lead on my eyes. When I could finally see, I stared at Lex.

Lex: How.

Kara: Atlas!

I tune everyone out and focus on my goal. I rip the chains out of the ceiling. I then tear them off of my legs, making my way over to lex.

Zod: Do it.

I look at Zod.

Zod: Do. It.

Me: I dont kill anymore.

Kara: Who are you talking to? Atlas, we have people on the way. Just hold tight.

It is like I can hear her voice, but not what she is saying.

Zod: He is threatening your people. Your friends. Your family.

Me: I do not take lives anymore. I am not your puppet!

Zod: He is going to kill your sister Atlas! Do you not care for her safety?

Me: I would do anything to protect her. To protect them all.

Zod: Then you know what you have to do.

I walked to him.

Lex: What are you doing?

I felt a knife stabbing into my back. I turn and in a blink of an eye, I break the mans neck. I turned back to Lex.

Lex: Supers dont kill.

Me and Zod: I am not a super.

My voice is contorted. Did I mimic his voice? Lex is stumbling back trying to plead with me.

Lex: Heros are not killers. I will go willingly. You dont have to do this.

Me and Zod: You have not only threatened my family, but the entire population of aliens on this planet. Rot in hell.

I grab his head and start squeezing. I dont stop until one of his eyes has popped out and his blood is splattering on my face. I dont stop squeezing until I stop hearing the cracks from his skull crushing stop, and he is dead.

Zod: You are no Hero. *I turn to him* You are my strongest soldier. Well done Atlas.

I drop him to see Kal, Alex, Kara, and Diana looking at me. When I see them, it is like a flip switched in my head. I look around to see what I have done and break.

Me: No. Not again.

AN* Zod is back. Is he going to lead us down the wrong path? Find out in the next chapter of Atlas. I hope yall enjoy this one!!

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