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So, all I have to do is control this new power. Easy enough, right? Right?! I start to focus on him leaving. Come on Quinn, focus on visualizing him leave. Visualize your peace, because you won't get anymore peace if he is here. I open my eyes, and not to my surprise, he is still there.

Zod: How's it going over there? *He asks amused*

Diana: Focus on me really quickly.

I immediately turned to her. She smiles at me, and I think about the first game night. It was the first time we met. Her smile honestly made me stay a little longer than I planned. I was going to stay the whole time if I could have had her attention that night. She is so effortlessly beautiful. I am glad...

Kal: He is gone.

I whip my head over to see that he is indeed gone. I turn to Diana, and she looks impressed.

Me: What the hell?

Diana: You were focused on him too much for you not to focus on him. I had to shift your attention somehow. The only way to make him disappear is to not give excess thought to him. That gives him power. If you give him power, he can manifest.

Me: That actually makes sense. So far you are the one to pull me out of this mess. Thank you.

Diana: Always. I don't want you in pain.

Kara: Let's get back to Lenas lab. We may be able to figure out the rest of your powers, if you have more.

Me: I don't know Kara. I am tired, I don't want to be prodded on all day. That shit sucks.

Kara: How else are we supposed to help you?

Me: The same way. Its just...seeing him...I cant today. Please dont make me.

Kal: Quinn, we are only trying to help.

Kara: Kal. *She gives a warning tone* Go home. When you are ready, we will be here.

Me: Will you guys come? You dont have to. But I would feel better if you did.

Alex: Of course. We are going to go home first and then come over.

Me: That is fine.

My family goes to their homes to gather things they need. I flew home to emptiness. Not in my house, in me. I feel hollow. I dont feel like myself. Or like Ive lost who it is to be me. Maybe I never knew who I was in the beginning.

Me: Fuck. Fuck!

I am so frustrated with everything going on with my life right now. I walk through the door and slam my fists on the table. Well, now I am angry, and I have to invest in another table. You need to find an outlet Quinn. Think... My barn. I change clothes and fly towards my barn. I stopped by a supply store to get a hammer, an ax, and a saw. I don't think I will be there long, but still. I get there and the foundation is still intact. I haven't been here in a while. I start by making a new door. I will probably take it home to finish it. I want to engrave Krypton on it. As I am carrying two trees back to my barn, I get a text.

Kara: Hey, we are here. Let us in.

Well shit. I'm not even home. Maybe I concentrate on visualizing my house. Then I visualize myself walking up to the door. You are there Quinn. Let them in. I touch the knob and it is cold. I can feel it. The coolness on my hand. I take a breath and open the door. I can see them. They are walking in. Talking to me even. But they sound a bit distorted. Shit. Focus Quinn. You can do this.

Kara:...And then they...


Kal:...Cheating Kara...Not fair.

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