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I am curled up in a ball when I hear people approaching me. I am not sure how much time has passed since the camera went off. But when I realized what I did, I shut down.

Diana: Atlas? Quinn?

I can hear her, but it is muffled. Like I am under water. I feel someone touch my shoulder and I panic. I bat their hand away and get closer to the wall.

Zod: Get up soldier. I did not train you to act this way.

Me: Get away from me!

Diana: Quinn, please.

Zod: Get Up!

I stand and shoot lasers at where Zod is standing. He is still standing there.

Zod: You missed.

He comes up to me and puts his hands around my neck. I cant breathe.

Kara: Quinn, I need you to breath. You are having a panic attack.

Zod: You are nothing! Your only purpose is to serve me! To kill for me! Use your training soldier. Get out of this situation.

I look at him defeated.

Me: Kill me.

His hands get tighter, and I black out.

Why do I hear beeping? I try to open my eyes, but the lights are very bright. I lift my hand to cover them, but they are tied down. What the hell? When my eyes adjust, I can see I am in the Justice Leagues place. The same room they put me in when I first met them. I break the restraints and stand up. I am in a white shirt and white bottoms. I look around confused. I go up to the glass to see the League, Kara, Kal, Diana, Jonn, and Alex. I tap on the glass.

Me: What is going on?

Kara: Are you ok?

Me: Yes? Why are you asking?

Kal: Quinn, we had to sedate you.

Me: What?

Diana: It started off with a panic attack. You passed out after it. Then you would randomly wake up and try to fight one of us. You kept calling us Zod.

Kal: Quinn, what is going on?

He is in my head again. Shit.

Me: Let me out.

Jonn: I dont think that is a good

Me: Let me out. Now.

The door opens and I leave the building. I immediately go home. I walk to my mirror to not only see me, but Zod too.

Me: What is happening to me?

Zod: You are waking up.

Me: I have been awake this entire time. Why are you here?

Zod: No, not you. My soldier.

Me: That person died long ago.

Zod: Oh really? So, it was you who killed thoes two men?

Me: Yes. Not some altered persona. I wasnt in my right mind. What are you doing to me?

He walks behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

Zod: Making you perfect.

Me: No. You will not do this again.

Diana: Quinn?

I turned to her. She looks upset. I look back in the mirror. He is gone. Where did he go?

Diana: Quinn I need to know what is happening.

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