Moving on

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Diana and I walk back into the bar.

Winn: You are back.

Me: I am back.

James grabs Diana by her waist and kisses her cheek. I look away trying to contain myself.

Kal: Shots anyone?

Me: Fuck yes.

I go and grab everyone shots. Taking two shots before I get to the table.

Kal: To new friends.

Me: To new friends.

We down the shots and I go grab a couple more. By now I am buzzed. I plan on riding it, I don't want to sober up anytime soon. I go to the dance floor and start dancing with Kara, Kal, and Alex. I love my family.

Jes: Atlas?

Me: Jes? What are you doing here?!

Jes: Well aliens come to alien bars right?

Me: Oh? What are you?

Jes: I am a daxamite.

I never cared for the conflict that was between us and the Daxamites.

Me: Well it is nice to officially meet you.

We shake hands. Kal taught me how to do it correctly.

Jes: Care to dance?

Me: Sure.

We are both feeling the affects of the alcohol at this point. We were dancing face to face for a while. But with every song, we get closer and closer. To the point where her back is facing my front and she is grinding on me. I sober up some remembering about my little dude.

Me: Um jes.. I have something to tell you.

Jes: You have a friend down there. I know. I realized a song ago.

She turns to me.

Jes: It doesn't bother me.

Ok, something is... I don't even know. I feel so in this moment right now. Jes licks her lips and throws her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her waist and she leans in. I don't move for a minute but I see Diana and James kissing out of the corner of my eye. Why not have fun? It could help me take my mind off of her. I close the gap and kiss her. The kiss was rough and sloppy. I break it to make sure we are on the same page.

Me: I am not looking for anything.

Jes: Neither am I. I just want to have fun tonight. Think you can help me with that?

I smirk and nod.

She kisses me and drags me to the bathroom. Our hands are flying everywhere trying to take each other's clothes off before the door all but breaks down.

Diana: What the hell are you doing?

My shirt is off and my fly is open. You can see my print clear as day through my pants. Did Diana just stare at it? No way. I am drunk.

Me: Having fun? What are you doing?

Diana: Not letting you do this.

Me: Why the hell not?

Diana: This is our boss!

Me: Right now, this is Jes. A friend that was about to benefit me for the night. If you would let us get back to it.

Diana: Hell no.

Me: Jes. Can we continue this later?

Jes: Yea. *She dresses herself back up and gives me a quick kiss* See you tomorrow.

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