Game Night

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Diana's POV*

I have been trying to understand why this young Kryptonian has been on my mind so often. Have you ever met someone and instantly want to get to know them more? That is where I am at right now.

Bruce: What do you think Diana?

Me: Sorry, what?

Kal: What has your head in the clouds?

Me: Oh, nothing.

We wrap up another useless meeting that Bruce holds. Honestly I think it is so he can see us. He can get lonely. Everyone gets up to leave but I go to stop Kal-El.

Me: Kal!

Kal: Yeah, what's up?

Me: Um.. it is about your cousin. Kara's sister..

Kal raises his eyebrow and smirks a bit.

Kal: Yeah?

Me: I was just curious about her. I mean she seemed lost. Almost sad a bit.

Kal: I mean, she has been alone almost all of her life. I wouldn't be surprised.

Me: Why has she been alone?

Kal: That is not my story to tell.

Me: Ok. I don't know why, but ever since that last meeting, I have been intrigued.

Kal: Like you want to formally meet her?

Me: Yeah. Is that weird?

Kal: No, not at all. I am not sure how she will react, but if you want to meet her I can give you Kara's number.

Me: You don't have to.

Kal: No, it is ok. I need my cousin to have some friends.

Kal texts me Kara's number. I immediately text her telling her it is me.


Kara: Hey Diana! How are you?

Me: Great! How are you?

Kara: Pretty good, can't complain. Anyway, would you like to come over tomorrow?

Me: Oh, yeah. What is the occasion?

Kara: We are doing our weekly game nights. Quinn will be there.

Me: Oh ok. I didn't say anything about her. *I try to play it off*

Kara: Mhm, Kal texted me. *Damn it* Well, see you tomorrow.

Me: See you.

I look back up at Kal and he is smiling.

Kal: Have fun, but not too much.

Me: What do you mean by that?

He smiles and walks away. What the hell.

Atlas's POV*

It has been a couple of months since I have been found. I am at Kara's apartment. She is hosting her weekly game nights. This is the first I will be attending. Right now we are going over common phrases in English. I have gotten most of it down pact. There is still some things I need to learn, but I have a handle on it.

Kara: How are you?

Me: How are you?

Kara: My name is..

Me: My name is..

Kara: It is nice to see you.

Me: It is nice to see you. You look stunning.

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