New Power?

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Why do I have this nagging feeling that Lena is going to hurt me? Like she is about to do something that is not beneficial. She wouldn't, right? But I did just kill her brother. I would deserve it. She deserves retribution.

Diana: Get out of your head.

She looks at me and takes my hand. I give it a light squeeze. I dont understand why she still wants to be near me. I am a killer. I could hurt her. I will eventually hurt her, my sisters, Kal. All of them are in danger because of my father. He did this. He did this to me. He ruined my life. Well, the chance of me having another life. And that lowlife general.

Zod: Thinking about me?

Me: Go away.

Diana: No. Focus on me, Quinn.

I look at her. She smiles.

Diana: Hello beautiful.

I look around, pretending to find out who she is talking about while smiling. She grabs my face and makes me look at her. I look into her eyes before I look down at her lips. Gods, I miss the feeling of them. I lick my lips and look back into her brown eyes. She isn't looking into mine, though. She is looking down at my lips.

Me: Kiss me.

She snaps out of her gaze and looks into my eyes. She hesitates for a second. Does she see me for what I really am? She has lost feelings. I dont blame her. She just came out of an abusive relationship. Why would she want to be with me? Especially now that she knows what I am capable of. I wouldn't... Her lips are on mine. Her lips are on mine? I dont respond at first, and she pulls away.

Diana: I hesitated because I was caught off guard. Not because of what you are thinking.

Me: You dont know what I am thinking.

Diana rolls her eyes.

Diana: You were thinking I hesitated because I am losing feelings or that you think you are a monster. Quinn, stop.

Me: It is true.

Diana: I have feelings for you. Atlas Quinn Zor-El. *She grabs my face* I like you, Quinn.

Me: I killed them. I didn't even blink.

Zod: Just as I taught you.

Me: Shut it.

Zod: Accept this. Accept me.

Me: Why would I do that?

Zod: To become better. *I look at him stupidly* to protect the people you love. *I roll my eyes*

Diana: Quinn.

Zod: Wouldn't it be a shame if she got hurt?

I got up and got right in his face.

Me: Dont you DARE threaten her.

He smirks in my face, and I give him a scowl. Zod shifts his gaze from me to Diana.

Zod: Diana, isn't it?

I blow steam out of my nose in frustration.

Me: She can't hear you. I dont even know why...

Diana: I can hear and see him.

I turned to her.

Me: You can?

I look at her, but she is texting someone. I take this chance to get him away from her. I dont know how he is manifesting into the world, but I won't let him hurt my family. I grabbed him by the collar and flew up. He punches my face a few times, but I ignore him and continue flying. I see an open field, and I throw him to the ground. He gets up with some struggle and looks up at me.

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