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Day two of our week long sleepover has started. Diana went home the night before, but came back. James was waiting on her at her house. I offered for her to stay at my place until we find a solution for James. Diana and I are in bed conversating.

Diana: How long did it last?

Me: Well I was shipped off my planet around 14, so...11 or 12 years? Yeah.

Diana: Can I ask what they were testing for?

Me: Yea. Lets get dressed and I'll make breakfast.

Diana puts on my shirt and some of her leggings. While I just put on some sweatpants.

Diana: You don't like shirts?

Me: I get hot. *I shrug*

We walk downstairs and I turn on the oven.

Me: They tested for many things. They tested to accelerate my healing, my memory, my strength, my lifespan, my stamina, and my agility. They also tested to see what my weaknesses were and to try to eradicate them. That is why I am immune to Kryptonite. That is why I had powers before I left Krypton. The Yellow sun just enhances my abilities.

Diana: Did they give you new powers? I mean how could they have known what your powers would be with the yellow sun.

Me: I remember traveling to different planets. Earth may have been one of them. Um I don't really age? If you count that. They wanted me to be alive for a very long time. I don't know about different powers. If I have them, I don't know about them. They may be dormant. *I think back to last night when Diana said she had feelings for me. I have been thinking about it since then* I have a question for you. You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Diana: Shoot.

Me: Do you have feelings for me Diana?

She stares at me for a second,

Diana: You were awake.

Me: What?

Diana: Last night while Kal, Kara, Alex, and I were talking. You were awake.

Me: Why would you say that?

Diana: Because I thought I heard a difference in your breathing. But I left it alone.

Me: You listen to me breath?

Diana: Yeah.. When you have nightmares, your breathing changes. It starts to pick up.

Me: Oh. I didn't know.

Diana: How would you?

We sit there for a while. She is good at avoiding questions. I start cooking and forget about it.

Diana: Yes.

Me: Yes what?

Diana: I do have feelings for you Quinn. But I've told you that.

Me: I didn't know if you were being serious or not. Sometimes Zod would tell me things to make me believe him. My father would tell me he loved me and what he did to me was for the greater good. You know how that turned out. I never know when to believe someone or not. That is why I am not in the superhero business. I'll fuck around and help the enemy.

Diana: I don't think so. I think, in your heart, you know when people are lying to you. Do you really believe I am lying?

Me: I don't think so. I think I hoped you are.

Diana: Why?

Me: Because I feel like I will get hurt. Or end up hurting you because I am so damaged.

I turn and start making waffles, eggs, and bacon. I hear footsteps nearing me. My back is met with the Amazonian's cold hand. She rubs my back before she inserts herself between me and the stove. She hugs my body but does not let go. I put my head in the crook of her neck so I can still see what I am cooking.

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