Lily's Last Wish

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It was a cold afternoon in Nottinghamshire, England, 1973, and Lily Evans was walking around the small village of Honeysworth. She took in the sounds of the wind rushing through the leaves of bushes and the smell of the pleasant, fresh air.

Suddenly, she heard a voice.

"Excuse me, are you lost?" The voice asked. Lily looked around for the source of the voice and found an old man with short, grey hair and cloudy eyes looking at her with a caring smile, wand held aloft with a red light emitting from it.

"Oh! Hello, I'm alright, just having a little stroll, that's all" Lily told the man with a smile.

The man smiled. "Would you like to come inside? It's pretty cold out here" The man asked and Lily nodded, following the man into his small cottage.

Lily sat down on a comfy sofa and looked at the man, who was smiling at her.

"What's your name, by the way, dear?" The man asked.

"I'm Lily, sir, Lily Evans"

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lily, I'm Ominis Gaunt" Ominis told Lily, smiling.

Lily smiled.

"You didn't really seem at all bothered when I was holding out my wand when I came out to greet you, are you a witch?" Ominis asked.

"Yes, I am, why did you have your wand out, by the way?" Lily asked.

"Well, I'm blind, you see, and my wand helps me sense my surroundings, very clever" Ominis explained.

"Whoa" Lily responded.

Ominis chuckled. "Impressive, isn't it?" He then looked out the window. "Oh, it does seem to be getting late. Where do you live? I can take you back" He smiled.

Lily then told him where she lived. Ominis then told her to grab onto his arm and they Disapparated away from Ominis' house.

They landed on another street which Lily recognised as her own. She thanked Ominis, who Apparated back to his house and Lily walked towards her house.

Over the next few years, Lily and Ominis became friends and everything seemed happy and calm, until January 8th, 1980.

Lily Potter was in the lounge of her home in Godric's Hollow. She was currently three months pregnant with her and James Potter's baby.

She was sitting on the sofa, reading a book before she heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" James called, appearing and running to the door and opening it. "Ah! Professor Dumbledore! What brings you here?" He asked.

"Hello, Mr Potter, may I talk with Lily for a moment?" Professor Dumbledore asked. Lily, hearing this, put her book down and went over to the door.

Dumbledore led Lily out the house and closed the door.

"First of all, how is the pregnancy going?" Dumbledore asked, smiling.

"It's going well, sir, why do you need me?" Lily asked.

"That is great. Anyway, I have come to talk to you over a serious matter. Earlier today, Damien and Seraphina Gaunt, who will probably sound familiar to you from your years at Hogwarts, attempted a mass murder attempt on their own family. They managed to kill their parents and grandparents but luckily Ominis escaped and is now in hiding in the village of Cosy Haven in Hampshire" Dumbledore told her.

"Oh no, how horrible! What is going to happen now?" Lily asked.

"Well, both Damien and Seraphina have been sent to Azkaban and as you are friendly with Ominis, I have decided to hand their daughter over to you" Dumbledore said, and Lily had only just realised that he had a week old baby with him.

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