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On the morning of the highly anticipated first Quidditch game of the year, Arabella found herself in the vibrant atmosphere of the Great Hall, seated at the Gryffindor table alongside Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The excitement in the air was palpable as they chatted and prepared for the thrilling event that awaited them.

Ron turned to Harry with a grin and exclaimed, "Harry, you're going to have to eat up if you want to do well today"

Arabella, always the voice of reassurance, chimed in, "Yeah, Quidditch isn't as dangerous as it seems. Apart from the occasional bludger flying your way trying to break your skull open, but those incidents are quite rare, to be honest"

Harry, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, replied, "Oh, brilliant! That really puts my mind at ease. Thanks, Arabella"

Seamus Finnigan, who always had interesting insights to share, leaned in and added, "Harry, mate, you've got to stay strong out there. Seekers like you tend to be the prime target for the opposing team. But I have faith in you!"

Harry nodded appreciatively and said, "Cheers, Seamus" He watched as Seamus enthusiastically piled ketchup on his sausages, his excitement contagious.

As the morning turned into afternoon, Arabella made her way to the stands, specifically finding her place amongst the Slytherin section. The anticipation was building, and the energy was electric.

Just then, Madam Hooch, the Quidditch referee, stepped onto the field, her authoritative voice carrying across the pitch. "Listen up, everyone! I expect a fair game from all of you! Now, mount your brooms, please!"

The players swiftly mounted their brooms, rising into the sky with a sense of exhilaration. Madam Hooch, with a flick of her wand, opened a case, releasing the Bludgers, the Golden Snitch and the Quaffle. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

With a toss of the red ball, Madam Hooch signalled the start of the game. The moment it left her hand, the players sprang into action, their brooms soaring through the air as they chased after the elusive Quaffle. The excitement was contagious as the game started.

A few minutes had passed, and Harry was just hovering some 30 feet in the air.

"Harry I know you're all new to this but at least do SOMETHING" Arabella thought.

"I'm guessing you're supporting Gryffindor?" Charlotte's voice appeared beside her.

Arabella looked at her. "Yeah, how about you?" She asked, as she went back to watching Harry.

"Yeah me too, I don't really like the Slytherin team"

"Me neither, but don't let any of Slytherin hear you say that" Arabella chuckled.

"Yeah of course" Charlotte chuckled back.

Suddenly, Arabella saw Harry's broom start to jerk out of control and Harry began to lose his balance.

"Are you going to do something about that?" Charlotte asked.

Arabella looked at the stands to see something horrifying.

Professor Snape was sitting on the top bench in the staff stand, not blinking and watching Harry, muttering something. He was jinxing the broom!

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