Battle of Hogwarts

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Meanwhile, back in Swansea, Dylan Peters was walking home from school with Anna Jeffreys, when a voice started coming from his bag.

"What's that?" Anna asked. Dylan opened his bag and found the radio that he had brought into hiding, it was speaking.

"Weather report: Lightning has struck, I repeat, lightning has struck!" The voice said, but Dylan knew that it was the code for a battle happening at Hogwarts.

Dylan put the radio back in the bag, and thought nothing of it.

"So, you're not going to do anything about that?" Anna asked.

"No. I can't" Dylan said.

"Yes you can" Anna said.

"How? I'm in hiding and-" Dylan started but was cut off by Anna.

"So? You could stay in hiding if you want, or you can be remembered as a hero. Go, Dylan, your friends and Hogwarts needs you" Anna said.

Dylan thought of it, and then looked at his Muggle friend, and nodded.

Anna smiled.

"I'll let you know when it's all over" Dylan smiled, before hugging Anna and Disapparating.

Anna looked at the place Dylan just was, before smiling.

"I'll see you soon, friend" Anna said.

Meanwhile, back at Hogwarts, the Room of Requirement was buzzing with movement, as they all made their way out of the room to the Great Hall.

Arabella hid in the small crowd of Slytherins that had since joined the DA and they walked to the Hall.

They filed into the Hall, Arabella was hidden well in the Slytherin crowd, Snape was at the front of the Hall.

"It has come to my attention that Harry Potter and Arabella Gaunt were sighted in Hogsmeade. If any of you attempt to reach out and help Gaunt and Potter, then you will be punished severely" Snape said.

Suddenly, Harry and Arabella stepped out of the Gryffindor and Slytherin crowds.

"It seems, despite your efforts, your security still seems to fail, Headmaster" Arabella said.

"How dare you? How dare you stand where he stood, a man who trusted you, and killed him?" Harry exclaimed.

Snape then aimed his wand at the pair of them, but McGonagall stepped forward and aimed her wand at Snape, protecting Harry and Arabella.

Snape kept his wand aimed.

McGonagall then started firing spells at Snape, and he blocked them all, before taking off in black smoke and flying out of the window, knocking out the Carrows.

McGonagall then lifted the light in the room, which became brighter. Everyone started cheering, until Voldemort's voice came.

"Give me Harry Potter and Arabella Gaunt, and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter and Arabella Gaunt, and you shall be rewarded"

Everyone covered their ears, and some people screamed.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Someone grab them!" Pansy Parkinson yelled.

However, as she did, Ginny, Amari, Angela, the DA, the Gryffindors and most of the Slytherins came to the centre of the room, protecting Harry and Arabella.

Then, the doors opened, and the Order of the Phoenix entered, along with Ron, Hermione and Dylan.

Then, someone else came rushing into the Hall, Argus Filch, the caretaker.

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