The Yule Ball

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Arabella woke up late on Christmas Day, and saw a pile of presents at the end of her bed. She looked at the time, it was ten o'clock, which explained why she was alone in the dormitory.

Arabella then got off her bed and went down to her presents and started unwrapping them.

While unwrapping the presents, she heard a crack. She looked up to see Dobby the house elf standing there, smiling at her.

However, Dobby was wearing something else other than the rag he was wearing when Arabella last saw him in her second year.

He was wearing a tea-cosy for a hat, football shorts, a jumper and the very same grey sock that Arabella had given him to set him free.

"Hello again Dobby, what're you doing here?" Arabella asked, smiling.

"Dobby is only wanting to wish Arabella Gaunt a Merry Christmas and bring her a present, miss!" Dobby squealed happily. He reached into his shorts and pulled out two socks, one of them was dark green with a snake on and the other was white with a Quaffle on it.

"Wow, er, thanks, Dobby" Arabella said, looking at the socks.

"Dobby must go now go and give his present to Harry Potter! Goodbye Arabella Gaunt!" Dobby said, waving and disapparating.

Arabella wondered what Dobby had gotten for Harry, but then realised it was probably socks.

After she had unwrapped all her presents and gotten changed, she ran down through the Slytherin Common Room and out the door to the Great Hall to have lunch.

After she had eaten, she went outside, and saw the Weasleys and Harry having a snowball fight. She spectated along with Hermione.

Hermione checked her watch. "Oh, I better go" Hermione said, smiling and walking away.

"Who're you going with?!" Ron yelled after her, but Hermione just waved.

Arabella looked at her watch. It was six o'clock and was time for Arabella to go and get changed for the Yule Ball.

After getting changed, Arabella ventured to the Entrance Hall, where she saw Harry, Ron and Amari.

"Hey" she said, approaching them.

"Hello" Amari smiled.

Harry was wearing dark dress robes, Ron was wearing a brown leather jacket that looked like it could've been popular in the 1890s and Amari was wearing a bright red, floor length dress with bits of glitter in it.

"You look charming, Ronald" Arabella chuckled.

Ron went pink in the ears. "Shut up" He said.

"Champions! Over here, please!" Professor McGonagall's voice came.

Harry and Arabella walked over to Professor McGonagall and the other champions.

Arabella saw that Cedric had taken Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker, Fleur had taken Roger Davies, also in Ravenclaw and Krum had taken...

"Wait, is that-" Arabella said, looking at the girl.

"It is!" Harry said, his mouth wide open.

It was Hermione. Her hair had been tied up into an elegant knot and she was wearing periwinkle blue floaty dress robes.

Hermione noticed Harry and Arabella and smiled.

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