The End?

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A couple of months later, in Azkaban prison, an apprentice had finished locking up the ex-Death Eaters.

"That all of them?" The new boss of Azkaban asked.

"Yes, it's all done" The apprentice smiled.

"Good, good, that's what we want" The boss smiled.

The apprentice nodded.

"You know, I might give you the proper job, seeing as you've done so well" The boss smiled. "How does that sound?" He asked.

"I'd love that, sir" The apprentice smiled.

"Good. Well then, you're hired!" The boss beamed.

"Thank you" The apprentice said.

The boss turned, before stopping.

"Oh, and one more thing, did you remember to take away their wands?" The boss asked.

The apprentice's heart dropped. "Their what, sir?" The apprentice asked.

"Their wands. Did you remember to take them?" The boss asked.

"Er... ¡No habla Inglés!" The apprentice said.

"¿Recordaste tomar sus varitas?" The boss asked.

"Um... Dw i ddim yn siarad Saesneg!" The apprentice said.

"Oeddech chi'n cofio cymryd eu hudlath?" The boss asked.

"I'm deaf!" The apprentice signed.

"Did you remember to take their wands?" The boss signed.

"Damn it" The apprentice said.

A large explosion followed, and the boss and the apprentice walked towards the source of the explosion, to find a large hole in the wall of the prison, and ex-Death Eaters flooding out.

"Hey! Where are you-" The boss started, but was cut off by a Death Eater.

"Avada Kedavra!" The Death Eater yelled, and the boss was killed.

"No... NO!" The apprentice shouted.

"I just saved you from losing your job, shut up" The Death Eater said. "But maybe I'll force you to have that on your mind for all of eternity. Avada Kedavra!" The Death Eater shouted, and the apprentice was hit with the green light, and fell to the floor, dead.

Arabella Gaunt will return.

The Tale of a GauntWhere stories live. Discover now