The Astronomy Tower

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Thirty minutes ago...

Hermione, Ron, Amari, Ginny, Dylan and Angela were all sat in the Undercroft, hiding from any potential dangers that Arabella and Harry had said might be coming.

"When're they coming back?" Angela asked.

"Soon, let's hope" Dylan said.

"Yes, let's hope" Ginny said.

Suddenly, Amari gasped and her sight went black.

Amari then saw what looked like a room with lots of items in, including a wardrobe.

The wardrobe opened, and a lot of people exited, including Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback and Arabella's father, Damien Gaunt.

The surroundings then changed, to reveal the Astronomy Tower. Amari saw Dumbledore, as a blue light rushed at him, and he fell off the balcony.

"Amari!" Ron called, and Amari came back to reality.

"What happened? What did you See?" Hermione asked. Amari was breathing heavily.

Amari finally spoke up.

"We need to alert the Order and the DA. Now"

Back to the present...

Arabella looked at the Dark Mark above the school, and thoughts flashed in her mind. Thoughts of Amari's dead body, Angela's dead body, Dylan's dead body, Hermione's, Ron's, Ginny's and Draco's dead bodies.

"Take my arms" Dumbledore said quickly, and Arabella and Harry obliged and they apparated to the Astronomy Tower.

"Get below the deck. Remain hidden" Dumbledore said, and Harry and Arabella ran downstairs to the deck below and hid.

Dumbledore waited above, and after a bit, Draco appeared.

"Ah, hello Draco, I knew you would come" Dumbledore smiled.

"You knew? What do you mean, you knew?" Draco asked.

Dumbledore chuckled. "I know a lot of things" He said.

"Well, then you must know this" Draco said, raising his wand at Dumbledore.

"You are not a murderer, Draco" Dumbledore said calmly.

"How do you know? What do you think has been happening to your students this year? Peters, cursed. Weasley, poisoned. It's weird, isn't it?" Draco asked.

Suddenly, and to Arabella's horror, multiple Death Eaters walked up the stairs and onto the Astronomy deck, including Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, Arabella's father Damien Gaunt and many others.

"Ah, I see you fixed that wardrobe?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yeah, I've been doing it all year" Draco said.

"Do it, Draco" Damien said.

""Well, hello, Damien. Long time no see. I see you have been pried from your wife? Might be unwise, considering your daughter is in the castle, and is more than willing to punish you for your actions" Dumbledore smiled.

"I'll deal with her later" Damien spat.

"Do it, Draco! Now!" Bellatrix yelled. But Draco was struggling, he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Suddenly, Snape appeared below the deck. He saw Arabella and Harry and put his finger up to his lips.

Snape then walked up to the deck.

"Not yet" Snape said, making himself known to the crowd above. He looked at Dumbledore.

"Severus... please" Dumbledore said.

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