The Secret Ability

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Arabella was eating lunch in the Great Hall a few days later, when suddenly a letter fell down in front of her. She took it and opened it and a letter came out. She picked it up.

Meet me in the corridor in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching those trolls ballet. Make sure that you are alone and away from prying eyes.


Arabella looked at the initials. Who was S.P? Arabella tucked the note into her pocket and made her way to the corridor.

However, when she entered the corridor, no one was there.

"Hello?" Arabella called, but no one answered, she walked along the corridor, looking for whoever wanted to see her, but no one was appearing.

Arabella walked more, when she suddenly heard something and saw the wall in front of her change. She looked at it, as the walls started carving themselves into a door. The door opened.

Arabella approached the door slowly, when she heard footsteps, she looked to the stairs she had come up minutes before and a familiar person arrived.

"Sorry, I had to sort some things out with Dumbledore, I- ah, I see you've wasted no time" Sarah chuckled. She looked at Arabella.

"Shall we?" She asked, and Arabella nodded. The pair of them entered the room.

"Sarah, what is this place?" Arabella asked the older woman as they walked.

"This is the Room of Requirement. I used to come here every now and then when I was a student here about a century ago" Sarah explained.

The pair of them walked through the aisles of chairs and paintings.

They then entered a small clearing.

Suddenly, the room started changing. Furniture started being thrown around and potting tables and potion stations were pushed into the corners of the room and the room became a lot more tidier.

Sarah chuckled. "I see that the Room hasn't forgotten me" Sarah said.

"Why are we here exactly?" Arabella asked.

"Well, Ominis and I have spoken and believe that it is time..." Sarah said, summoning two chairs for the pair to sit in, which they did. " explain to you everything" Sarah said.

"Everything? What do you mean, everything?" Arabella asked.

Sarah chuckled. "Well, has your wand done anything that no one else is able to do?" She asked.

Arabella thought back, but all the things she remembered the wand doing were what she assumed everyone else's wand could do. Arabella shook her head.

"Well, I can think of one instance" Sarah said. "Do you remember, in your second task, when your wand formed some sort of bubble?" Sarah asked.

Arabella suddenly remembered. "Yeah, but I thought everyone could do that" Arabella said.

Sarah shook her head. "No. That, my young friend, was a powerful form of an ancient magic" Sarah said.

"Ancient magic? What does that mean?" Arabella asked.

"It's a very strong form of magic, thought to be lost centuries ago. Only two people alive have it today" Sarah explained.

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