Around the fur pt.7

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Idk howmany times I've said myb... but myb guys


"Fine then don't fucking answer me!" I said slamming the door shut and leaving the building. In tears I sat on the curb and put my head phones on playing my fav song "let live- of mice andmen"
(Or any song idc)

'I don't have a place to escape at all,I live like 20 hrs away from here' I cried to myself. Seeing someone sit next to me, it was abe. Out of anyone I wouldn't expect abe. "Hey you okay?" He said.
"I mean- do I look okay?" I replied. "I guess you found out abt his wife?" " you know" I looked over.

"Yeah" he said looking back At me. "Why didn't you guys tell me" I said tearing up again. "Because chino really likes you.. even more than his wife Jenny. " abe said scratching his shoulder.

I opened my mouth trying to say something, but nothing came out . He smiled at me and gave me a hug. I hugged back and got up as he helped me. "You think you can go talk to him?"  "Maybe.." "okay let's go then" he smiled then grabbed my hand leading me back to chinos room.. "have fun" abe said leaving me infront of the door and going to steffs room.

I tooka deep breath as I opened the door. I saw chino sitting on the small 2 seat couch  Crying.
It broke my heart seeing him like this but it's what happens when you lie to ppl. I sat next to him and hugged him. He hugged back, honestly  I don't remember how long we hugged so maybe a good 10 mins till he let go. "I'm so sorry" he said wiping his tears away.

(Ong I can't write make up scenes so js imagine like a big kiss or sum 😭)


Me and chino were cuddling in his bunk as we drove to Texas. I felt so warm having chinos hands around my waist again. Snoring of the band members was heard as the small  TV played mtv's scarred. Chino groaned as some guy landed on the bar balls first. "How bad does that really hurt?" I asked him turning my head a little. "It's like if I were to bite ur boobs off" her replied.
Cliff hanger;)

Kinda graphic vid.. js depends on you tho ☆

[Watch it - it's wild (and shhh ik this show was made in like 2000 but we actin like it's made in 1995 or sum-)


I feel so bad leaving yall for so long but school ain't it anymore-  but this is gonna end soon...

Can't spoil much abt it but it's abt chinos dread era...

That's also why I been gone sm 

But love yall buhbye!  😍

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