Adrenaline pt.4

93 0 11

It took forever  for me to write but enjoy;)


Chinos house/pov:


e finally got back to the house but my friends went out somewhere leaving us alone again...

We were going through each other's cameras since we were bored and watched all the movies I had.  There were just a bunch of random pictures of her till one specific picture showed up.  Her in sexy lingerie and posed just enough in the mirror where you could see behind her.

[Sum like this but way better bcz it's y/n :) ]

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[Sum like this but way better bcz it's y/n :) ]

"Uhm.." I said not taking my eyes off her camera "OMG! I forgot about that" she said taking the camera out my hands "nuh uh lemme see it" I said smirking at her while she turnt red,She set the camera in her lap "come on let me see... you looked good" I said rubbing her thigh "no I didn't" she saidnpickingnup the camera and randomly taking a picture of me. She laughed as she looked at the picture.

(Time skip bcz this part is boring)

I woke up very warm, specially on my back. Turning around I see y/n, shebeas so pretty.. idek how she likes me in general.  I looked over to the nightstand behind her for the time. 5:36 AM. I should try to sleep. It was now 5:50 and I still couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to go take a shower.

Y/n's pov:

I woke up after falling asleep from being tired form yesterday . I noticed I wasn't in my usual bed but instead I was in chinos bed,(Ong I got rhymes)
And that he wasnt in the bed either. I sad up and looked around considering if I should get up or not till chino came round the corner in boxers and threw his towel into a hamper with his other clothes.

"Good morning" he said sitting next to me.and grabbing the TV remote. "Morning" I muttered and looked at his leg.  There was a scar.  "What happend to your leg?" I said pointing to the scar that was above his ankle -ish. :" I kicked Stephen's guitar while performing once and his guitar hit my leg cutting it." He said getting under the covers and laying in my lap.


I didn't say anything I just messed with his hair. It was about 8:00 am and chino was sleep in my lap so there was no escape.  So I decided to change the TV by grabbing the remote. Finally I found a good show called "Ninja Warrior" it was in Japanese but they had captions so it was fine.

-another time skip-

"Do you really have to go" chino said hugging my waist trying to hold me back. "Yess~ I'll come back later or tomorrow I promise" I said turning around and facing him. Chino looked at me with puppy dog eyes trying to get me to stay  "chino I'll come back" I said laughing a bit . He frowned and hugged me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and waved bye as I went to get in my car.


Hey guys- I found some random things on Google so..


that's on my birthday 🎂  and istg if I can't go ill honestly go ape shit.


I refuse to belive that's chi.. ion see it tbh do yall?

ALSO- some of u guys are boys/men?  I never knew till I checked. I kinda thought it was only random 13-16yr old girlies who are obsessed like me.
Anyways igtg so bye :]
620 words~

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