Adrenaline pt.9

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y/n's pov:

Sitting in the back room I sat there not knowing what to wear , so I texted Jon to come back here and help me. "What's up" Jon said shutting the door behind him. "Jon~ i dont know what to wear thats sexyfor chino" I said in a whiny tone. Jon smirked at me and grabbed one of my dresses and threw it at me "Put it on" he said. I stared at him so he would take a hint to get out or turn around,  and finally he slowly turned around and I put the dress on.

(Guys imagine a rlly cute dress- my phone will litteraly explode if I take any more screen shots)

"Done" I said standing there.  Jon turned around and screamed so loud- "YASSSY/N! Wear that and chino will be all over you" Jon said grabbing my hand and spinning me around. "You sure?" I asked "Uh yes!?!" He replied

-time skip ;) -

I was sitting at the bar watching all thr guys dancing around when chino magically appeared from the shadows "Hey beautiful " he said standing next to me "Hey chino" I said looking over At him " you okay? Having fun?" He questioned. "Kinda I'm a little bored" I said taking a sip of my drink. "Come dance" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out to the dance floor. Me and chino danced around for a while when chi came up to us saying we had to get jn the road. Chino frowned but went outside with me to the bus.

I wnet to my bunk, grabbed a comfy outfit, and went to change.  I got finished and climbed into chinkd bunk and laid next to him. "Chino?"
"Yes baby?"  He said rolling over "where are we going to next?" I asked "honestly i don't even know.. I think new York?" He said pulling  more into the bunk. The bunk was small for us but we made it work.

It was only a couple mins layer when I was completely on top of chino kissing and flirting with each other. Making out with chino the curtain to his bunk flew open "BOO BITCH!" Head screamed at us before taking a picture  and running off back to the front with who ever was still up. Chino didn't stop kissing me,  he just smirked . But eventually I had to breathe so I let go. "No- whyd you stop?" He whined " I need to breathe at dome point" I explained "I need to pee anyways he said scooting over to get out of the bunk. While he was gone  he left his phone... like anyone would do they'd go through it. But I'm not that guy so I just took some pics he'd enjoy later.

When chino came back he told me he's gonna go chill up front so I could go with him if I wanted my which I did but brought my note book out to write what ever. I sat on the little couch across from chino and next to Jon who was talking with abe, chi, chino, and head. Feildy adn steff were sleep or just in their bunks. Writing in my book I heard chino start talking about Jon and chi. "Yeah Jon what's up with you and chi?" He asked "what do you mean?" Jon replied.

I looked up from my book and looked over at chi who was nervously looking at Jon. "Like you know.. you guys just seen very close" chino said. I ignored it and went to the back room to listen to music without them wanting to hear certant songs.  (-mini time skip -)  Laying down and writing some stuff down I heard Jon and chino starting to sing so I got up and grabbed my camera because I know it's about to be funny .
Going upfront I sat infront of Jon and chino watching the two sing like idiots so I decide to record them.

( skip to 2:30 for the part I'm talking abt ;)

I laughed as they swayed to the song singing lyrics when Jon got all close to chino and kissed chino on the cheek. I know it was just typical Jon so I tried to push it away and ignore it but it kinda bothered me. After the song was over I put my camera away and just sat there zoned out.

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