Author's Note ~From the Future~!

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I wrote this six years ago and thought I was doing a good job...

Read through the entire thing again, and it's not great...

SO glad people still enjoy it!

But, you know what?

I'm a sophomore English major, I've had more years of practice, and I wanna take another crack at this fic!

I was originally going to delete the original story and then rewrite it. And while that does make the most sense... I got a better idea.

I actually like having my "ancient texts" around so I can see how much I've improved in hindsight. And readers actually liked the story that's already here. So I feel like I'd just be doing a disservice to all of us if I went with the original plan.

Here's what I'm gonna do: I am going to rewrite it, from scratch. It'll still be in this fanfic, but this A/N will break the two stories up to prevent confusion.

I like this idea because the original text is preserved as it was this way, and I get a free comparison right in the same spot!

And you guys get two wildly different fanfics of Daddy I'm a Zombie!

I didn't even realize how perfect the timing was until I ordered a Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde copy for an English class and realized Halloween—fav holiday—is today!

And while I'm at it, Imma add some of my own artwork since I've developed my skills in that area, too! And I had a lot of fun designing older versions of all the characters—Jacklyn is going to be a lot different, FYI.

So, let's see how this goes!

New Description:

Nebulosa said she needed the Azoth for a "humble cause". What did that mean?

Why did she need the bearers of it so badly despite the fact that she clearly had no intent on using it?

Why was she so hellbent on merging their worlds?

Lastly, how were the original trio to navigate their current issues and changes while prioritizing Nebulosa?

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