The Incoming tornado

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Extremely Cloudy
Dixie started to throw up, a lot and Isis was just as confused as Dixie and Gonner, the four started walking back to their cemetery.

Isis: Zombies can't get sick. But, you are half mortal. *wraps her arm around Dixie's shoulder and helps her walk back to the cemetery* Let's just get you to bed.

Dixie: Ugh...

The next couple days was the same, Dixie's "cold" wasn't getting any better.
Gonner began to worry about her (a lot!). So did Isis and Jacklyn (kind of, Jacklyn thought she knew what was truly wrong with Dixie) Dixie bought something to see what was wrong with her, she found out but didn't tell her friends. After five weeks. They were caught in an area where a catagory five tornado was headed right in their direction, however. They had to stay, because the tornado was close enough to see from a good distance and it was moving fast. They walked around town seeking shelter when they find a stable house and someone let them in to stay in the basement, they look to the person who let them in. They gapped.

Gonner: Why did ye let us in, Piroshka?

Piroshka: I want to keep the Azoth safe from the tornado, besides I'm getting a little lonely here.

Dixie: *hesitant* Thanks Piroshka.

Piroshka told the four that They at least had twelve minutes to prepare and find a safe part of shelter to stay in, (if this shelter is even enough to save us in the first place) Dixie thought. They simply stayed in the basement trying to think of a plan to escape.

Dixie: Okay, when this tornado is over we have to run before the owners of this house find four zombies and a ghost in their basement.


Dixie: *ignoring Piroshka* The people who live here are obviously going to come back here to check the damage and see if they can continue to live here, and you guys know how hostile people can be.

Isis: I am officially paranoid.

Gonner: Why do ye need to be paranoid 24/7? There is literally nothing (except for the tornado) that we need to worry about right now.

Piroshka: Hate to agree with him Egypt, but he has a point.

Isis: One DON'T CALL ME EGYPT! And two, You try getting eaten by crocodiles, coming back to life as a zombie, nearly getting burned alive (Gonner!), getting stuck in a tornado, and staying sane Piroshka!

Dixie: Stop guys!

Gonner: Lass? Can we talk?

Dixie: They're still arguing but sure. What is it?

Gonner: Um, ye're comfortable with Piroshka being stuck with us right?

Dixie: I am Gonner. As long as she doesn't get stuck between us- *falls on her knees clutching her stomach* ACK!

Isis: *turns around* Dixie!

Gonner: *kneels down and hugs Dixie* Are ye okay las?!

Dixie: I-I'm fine. I just pulled something.....

Gonner: Dixie I don't think that's what's wrong with ye.

Gonner placed his hand on Dixie's stomach he felt nothing. He picked Dixie up, walked over to a bed in the basement and laid her down. She was still twitching and moaning a little in pain, Isis and Piroshka went to a different room and continued arguing much to Jacklyn's disliking, long story short, they didn't get along (like at all 😆) Gonner laid down next to Dixie.

Gonner: Please me hearty, do ye know what's wrong with ye? If so, please tell me, if ye don't want to tell the others ye can trust me.

Dixie: The truth is, a-all the vomiting made my s-stomach panic and it just gave out I guess. I should be better by next week. But, it's nothing serious you don't need to worry very much.

Gonner: That makes me feel a bit better, I love ye.

Dixie: I love you too Gonner.

Dixie and Gonner kiss each other.

Piroshka: Oh no....

Jacklyn: *russian accent* Here it comes! Better get ready da!

They heard the girls shout as the category five tornado hit their location.

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