3: The Awkward Walk of Dixie, Piroshka, and a Decapitated Actress

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"So, you said Piroshka basically hired you? How'd she get in touch with you?"

Jacklyn shrugged. "Eh, guess she knew someone died at the theater here. And she knew you go here and study in a similar field. So, easy pick, I suppose."

Dixie looked over at her as if to say: "Wait, you're that girl?!" But she knew better than to directly voice it, which Jacklyn was thankful for.

It still took a minute for her to process that she was now working with the Jacklyn Peterson, AKA: The Headless Actress of Northern Maine University.

Piroshka shrugged. "Pretty much, yeah. Plus, Jackie here was the only one willing to actually walk around in the open. Heck, she wanted to walk around in the open."

Dixie glanced Jacklyn's way, earning a shrug. "I mean, why not? I've done it before, and I know how to cover myself."

Dixie, given the tone, knew better than to question further.

Piroshka on the other hand...

"So how did you die?"

Jacklyn remained casual in her speaking. "Metal set-piece fell when I was doing my lines, and off came my head. Pretty straightforward."

"What play was it?"

Now Jacklyn seemed more into the conversation. "I know it was a Greek Tragedy... Don't look at me like that, I know it's ironic!" She raised a curled finger to her lips. "Hmm... I think it was Medea."

Dixie finally felt comfortable enough to ask her own question. "Were you a main cast member, or part of the chorus?"

"Part of the chorus." Jacklyn shrugged. "Wasn't much of a "main cast" kind of actress, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get what you mean." Dixie sighed a little. "I like getting involved but only if I'm able to fade into the crowd somehow."

Piroshka chuckled. "That's gonna stop once we get to the lower land, hope you know."

Dixie didn't reply, instead waiting to change the subject.

Somehow, this reminded her of how Gonner was both extremely passionate about becoming a poet, but too shy to share most of his work to anyone but her.

The one time he did was to Isis, who—not knowing that he was the writer—totally ripped into the poor grammar and spelling. Utterly destroying his dreams until Dixie suggested staying with his group and publishing his poems anonymously. On top of reading more to learn spelling and grammar, of course.

"So, what did you need me for, Piroshka? What's happening with Nebulosa?"

"Well," Piroshka crossed her legs midair, though she seemed hesitant, as if doing so would result in her falling to the ground. "I have more information about her. I know what she's really after, and I know why she wants you so badly."

Dixie tilted her head. "You do? That's been confusing me for a little while. Why try to kill me if she needs me to actually activate the Azoth?"

Piroshka hummed lowly. "See, that's the thing... She wants both gone. She's been responsible for permanently killing every Bearer before you."

Dixie was sure she heard wrong at first.

All that effort to get her and the Azoth... Just to destroy it?


Jacklyn tossed her hands up. "Actually, can either of you just explain what this "Azoth" is? I'm sorry, I tried following but I have no idea."

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