Dixie and Gonner get married

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A few months after the tornado the five (Piroshka does find her way back to the group, sorry I forgot to mention that😑) they wander around trying to find their way back to Dixie's home town, they finally found a way to turn her human again but Dixie refused to do it immediately, she wanted to marry Gonner before she turned mortal again. Once they finally got back, Gonner and Dixie picked a spot to get married.

Gonner: We'll wait a couple days me hearty *kisses Dixie*.

Dixie: *arms wrapped around stomach in pain* Rrgh! Yeah, we'll wait a little bit, *flirting* not that I'm particularly fond of it.

Gonner: (Playing this game ay me hearty? Might as well play with ye.) *flirting* Oh? Why? Ye want me or something?

Dixie: *flirting* That-... Might have something to do with it.

Gonner grabbed Dixie and pulled her in intimately.

Dixie: U-um...

Gonner: *flirting* Two can definitely play this game me hearty.

Gonner then pulled her into a vey deep and passionate kiss. They stayed there all night sharing endless passionate and deep kisses. Gonner then straddled Dixie by her hips but simply continued to kiss her. Then after a while they went further. The two loved each other more than anything, all they wanted to do then, was seal it with a marriage. It was noticeable that Dixie wasn't as enthusiastic about it as she was before, she still enjoyed it. Though after she looked like she was still sick or wanted to tell Gonner something, she said she was fine though. Except she was started to make Gonner worry about her again. She was still feeling pain in her stomach, Gonner noticed and started worrying about her more than before. A couple hours later, the two told everyone they were getting married, Isis volunteered to marry them, while Piroshka was a bit jealous. The group didn't need to plan for much, all they really needed to do was say their vows and Isis would marry them. A few days later, they got married, as the moon rose the two shared vows and kissed each other as Isis married them. Isis didn't tell them, she didn't really trust Gonner with Dixie and was a bit shocked that they were engaged and just got married, she still wanted to support her friend. They didn't have a reception because there was literally three people (zombies) with the two. They then used the spell to turn Dixie back to a mortal. They still had a ways to go before they got back to Dixie's home town, so they started wandering the next day, it was starting to get pretty obvious that Dixie was still sick.

Gonner: Me hearty, I thought ye said during the tornado that you would get better in a week.

Dixie: That's what was supposed to happen but, I don't know anymore.

Gonner: Me hearty it's fine, as long as ye get better soon.

Sorry if this ones short the next one is way longer.

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