Gonner and Dixie are dating

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One night Isis woke up to pieces of the ceiling falling onto the ground and on the bed she was sleeping in, filling her room.
Gonner woke up to see Dixie sleeping cuddled up to him.

Gonner: *blushes massively* I can't move.

Gonner tried to move but Dixie tightened her grip on him. He started blushing even more, meanwhile Isis finally managed to escape her room which was drowning her with floods of the ceiling that finally caved in as she barely escaped... (her room?!)

Isis: I LIVE!!!!
Dixie wakes up with Gonner.

Gonner: *blushes* Uh, hi.... (act natural! Act natural! Gonner act natural!)

Dixie:........ Gonner?

Gonner: Aye.....

Dixie: *blushes* (Oh no he's hot) Hi.

Gonner: Lass? Are ye okay?

Dixie: Yeah.......

Gonner: Why did you sleep with me?

Dixie: You were having nightmares again Gonner, and........... There's something I need to tell you.....

Gonner: Las?

Dixie:..... Truth is...... I.......... I-I still love you. I want to make a relationship with you work.

Gonner: R-really? I thought ye said-

Dixie: I know what I said. I knew what I wanted to say, so now I said it.

Gonner: Dixie I-

Dixie kissed Gonner on the lips. He began to kiss her back.
Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Wow, the whole ceiling caved in, you be in there any longer you be crushed. Isis, maybe you check on Dixie, she probably still shaken by being turned back into zombie.

Isis: No, where I come from invading someone's privacy is like wrongly accusing somebody for a crime.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* If you say so. But, Dixie not in her room or mine or yours so, if not comfortable with Gonner and Dixie being alone together, I suggest you knock and make sure. P.S. you might want to re-attach your arm.

Isis: O-Oh thanks *re-attaches her arm* Wait... What?! *runs upstairs*

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Isis don't forget to knoc-!!

Isis accidentally walked in on Dixie and Gonner making out.

Isis: *blushes blank faced*.......

Isis quietly shut the door. She turned around to see a pissed off Jacklyn behind her tapping her foot with her arms folded.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Isis! What were you thinking?!

Isis: Sorry-! Thank Anubis they didn't see me.

Isis knocked on the door.

Isis:.... U.. Gonner? You.. awake?

Gonner and Dixie quickly pulled away.

Gonner: Aye.

Dixie: *quiet* Hopefully she didn't see us. Wait, *normal tone* was Jacklyn yelling at Isis?

Jacklyn: *other side of door* *Russian accent* Da, she make dumb move, I could have just used normal tone. But, Is more fun to yell.
Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Looks like we have to pack stuff so we get going tomorrow.

Gonner: Yeah okay.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* You guys look like you want to say something.

Dixie: Nope.

Gonner: What be up with Isis?

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* I'm not sure. But we should get going.

The group started packing and they decided that they should spend one more night at the haunted house before they leave in the morning. Every time Isis would see Gonner and Dixie smiling at each other she would blush immediately remembering them making out, which she walked in on by accident. Luckily they didn't see her. Gonner and Dixie did notice her blushing and asked her what was going on.

Isis: Uh.... I kinda saw you two. Making out?

Dixie: *blushes* Wait you walked in on us?!

Isis: It was one time, I was wondering if you were very upset about turning back into a zombie and I just forgot to knock.

Gonner: *blushes* Okay that be embarrassing....

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* That is dumb move, is why I yell at her.

Dixie: How did you forget to knock?

Isis: I literally don't know, ah! I think I just broke my own superstitions!

Gonner, Dixie and Jacklyn rolled their eyes simultaneously.
Later the following week:
Gonner and Dixie started sleeping together, although it wasn't a big bed they were still comfortable. Gonner told Dixie his original name, and how he needed and wanted to change it, because when he grew up with the pirate crew, they had to go by "pirate names" so he changed his name to Gonner because it was a good pirate name and it sounded almost the same as his original name, and he went by Gonner ever since.

Gonner: Ye can call me by my original name though.

Dixie: Sure.
Gonner: The sun be going to rise soon, we better get some shut eye.

Gonner gets up and closes the curtains so the sun wouldn't burn them everybody goes to their rooms to sleep except Isis, she had to find another room because the roof of her old room caved in so she couldn't even sleep there. Dixie got in bed and after closing the curtains, Gonner took his shoes off and laid down by his girlfriend.

Dixie: *flirting* Hi Gonner.

Gonner: *flirting* Ye want me to take ye me hearty?

Dixie: That's a little weird.

Gonner: *flirting* Do ye want to try though?

Dixie: *flirting* Yes.

They undressed so Dixie's tights and shirt were her PJs and Gonner's pants were his PJs. They locked the door got in bed and kissed each other Gonner licked her lips slightly.

Gonner: Ye want to let me in me hearty?

Dixie granted access almost immediately. They kissed each other passionately and deeply for the next few minutes, they then began to undress even more, they had Gonner on top of Dixie they kissed again and took it further, Gonner took Dixie as the sun began to rise, the two had wanted each other so badly, they finally found their chance, and it was perfect, just as the two wanted their first time to be. After, the two broke apart and gazed into each other's eyes, Dixie staring into Gonner's amber wolf like eyes while he stared into her dark Violet eyes that looked as if they were part of the night sky. Gonner smiled and pecked Dixie's lips.

Gonner: We outa get some shut eye me hearty. *places a hand on her cheek* I promise we'll find a way to turn you mortal again, I love ye Dixie Grim.

Dixie: *hugging him tightly* I love you too, Conner Mortimer.

The two kissed each other one final time before they went to bed.

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