Dixie confronts

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Dixie gave the baby to Gonner as he held his daughter gently looking at her beautiful violet eyes that she got from her mom and the ginger hair she got from her father.

Gonner: Lassie, she be beautiful. Just like her mother.

Dixie smiled and kissed Gonner. Isis saw the two and was excited Dixie was back but gasped when she saw Dixie as a zombie.

Isis: Dixie, you died?!

Dixie: Yeah, it's a long story. I don't feel like talking about it right now.

Isis then saw the baby Gonner was holding and walked up to the two slightly angry and pointed at the baby.

Isis: You mind explaining? You never told us how this happened.

Gonner:..... *blushes* Uh....

Dixie:..... Haunted house..... We were flirting....... and I think you know what happened next... Just gonna leave it at that.

Jacklyn smirked at the two they read her expression "*Russian accent* I called it on you f***s". At this point the four have established the fact that Jacklyn was an encyclopedia of cuss words.

Piroshka saw Jacklyn smirk and chuckled before she gave Gonner a devil stare, he backed up a little. Dixie face palmed at Jacklyn and Piroshka.

Isis: *slightly angry* Um.. So, what are you naming her?

Gonner: What?

Dixie: The baby Gonner, she's talking about the baby.

Gonner: I know that but, I wasn't even thinking about names so do we have to name her now, is what I'm asking.

Dixie: Not if you don't have any ideas. You'll have time to think.

Isis nodded still mad at Dixie at the two and she, Jacklyn and Piroshka left them alone they sat down near a tomb because the sun was about to rise soon.

Gonner: Me hearty, what happened to ye?

Dixie: I just couldn't hold on to being human anymore....

Gonner: I'm sorry I made you go through that me hearty. It's me fault.

Dixie: No it's not, I love you who said it was only your fault? It was mine too, please don't blame yourself for this situation, Isis might be a little bit mad at me, but I'll talk and work it out with her.

Gonner wrapped his arms around Dixie and hugged her.

Gonner: Hey me hearty, it's going to be fine. I wasn't expecting a child so soon or at all but, I'm glad I have one.

Gonner looked at his daughter where now she was showing her zombie side, her ginger hair which she got from her father and her eyes which she got from her mother. He smiled at his newborn daughter and Dixie.

Gonner: She's beautiful, isn't she?

Dixie: *nods her head smiling and looking at her daughter* Yeah, she's so tiny and sweet.

Gonner and Dixie looked at their daughter, Gonner thought of a lot of different names for their baby, but one in particular stood out to him. The baby then grabbed Gonner's thumb and hugged it like a teddy bear.

Gonner: *smiling* That's me little Lizette....

Dixie: Huh?

Gonner: I just thought of a name Lizette.

Dixie: I love it. What do you think her last name should be?

Gonner: I remember me last name was Mortimer, what about yer last name?

Dixie: I am married to you so technically, my name for the past couple months has been Dixie Grimm. Mortimer. So her name is Lizette Mortimer-Grimm, Lizzie for short.

Gonner: Lizzie Mortimer-Grimm. I like the sound of that. We have a full name for our daughter me hearty. *kisses Dixie's forehead*

The two kissed each other Dixie laid her head on her husbands shoulder. Then the two shared a tomb with each other, they had Lizzie with them. At night they woke up to the sound of Isis and Jacklyn yelling at something or someone to get out. They even heard Piroshka telling the trespassers off. Gonner got up and looked outside to see the Zombie Hunters looking for Dixie. She didn't know what was going on but she got up and walked outside the back entrance because Gonner was blocking the front. She walked around to see the Zombie Hunters who were about to attack Isis, Jacklyn and Piroshka because they didn't tell them where Dixie was. Dixie ran up blocking the Zombie Hunters from her friends who were twelve tombstones distance apart.

Gonner: *runs out to protect Dixie* Me hearty don't-!

The one of the hunters shot Gonner who collapsed on the ground immediately.

Dixie: Conner!

A hunter then grabbed Dixie's arm, she kicked the hunter who couldn't see her Zombie form because the moon hadn't risen yet. She broke apart from the hunter and ran to Gonner. One of the hunters was about to shoot Gonner again but Dixie gestured to him to stop.

Dixie: Stop! Why are you doing this?!

Dixie's mom: *crying* My daughters dead. Are you happy now?

Dixie's eyes shot open she couldn't let her parents find Lizzie, Gonner was also aware of that and tried to divert the hunters attention from the tomb where Lizzie was sleeping, mostly by flipping them off. (😆)

Dixie:......... Mom. Why?...

Dixie's mom ran to the front and saw Dixie and were surprised that she was alive but nobody realized that she was a zombie.

Dixie's mom: How?......

The moon rose above the trees shining its un harming light on the three, Piroshka faded into a ghost, Isis and Jacklyn showed their true appearances.
Dixie then gestured to Isis who ran in the tomb and grabbed Lizzie to show the crowd she walked out with Lizzie in her arms in that moment she thought (holding a baby is kind of nice) Isis then handed her to Dixie.

Hunter 1: Get away from them they'll bite you!

Dixie: These guys are my friends! They would never do something like that! Gonner are you okay?

Dixie's mom: Who's Gonner?!

Gonner nodded his head telling her that he was fine, Dixie placed a hand on Gonner's chest and kissed his forehead, because he was still on the ground, Gonner stared lovestruck into Dixie's eyes while she got lost in his, Gonner then looked behind Dixie to see both of her parents.

Gonner: Me hearty? Ye might want to turn around, *slightly scared* I think yer parents are giving me a devil stare.

Dixie's dad: Dixie! You're eighteen!

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Which is minimum age for adult Da?
(Swag! 😆)

Hunter 1: Your parents said you got pregnant when you two were dating!

Isis: And they got married a few months before the baby was born!

Dixie was really proud of Isis in that moment, because usually she would be too scared to talk.

Hunter 2: How do you explain the bridge?

Piroshka: Weren't YOU GUYS the ones who caused the bridge to collapse, fired gunshots at them when they were trying to climb up the bridge for safety, AND stole Dixie and tried to give her and Gonner's baby up for adoption?

Both Gonner and Dixie showed confusion at that, why was Piroshka defending them?

Gonner: Face it, Ye got nothing on us scaly wags.

Wife adopting the baby: Speaking of which, can you let us see Cindy? The baby we adopted?

Gonner saw Dixie start crying a little, luckily zombie tears don't harm zombies. Her parents still didn't realize that she was a zombie. She looked at her love, who gave her a reassuring nod, Dixie folded her hand into a fist.

Dixie: .....Her name..... is Lizette Mortimer-Grim!

Gonner I'm a ZombieWhere stories live. Discover now