Dixie Dies

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Five Months Later
Dixie: Isis, can we talk about this please?


Dixie: You know I would have preferred you saying "I don't want to be friends anymore" or "Why didn't you tell me".

Isis: Dixie, I'm worried about you, you're a mortal and Gonner's a zombie, and your having his baby. I'm don't mean to offend but, I'm not sure you can handle it.

Dixie: I'm worried too Isis, and so is Gonner, but it'll be fine I promise. Bread and Butter?

Isis: Bread and Butter.

Dixie: Ouch!

Isis: Dixie? Are you okay?

Dixie: No! I'm having my baby!

Isis: Stay here! I'll get Gonner and Jacklyn!

Jacklyn helped Dixie give birth while she shooed the other three away, it hurt Gonner to hear Dixie screaming.

Isis: Why did this have to happen? *glares at Gonner* How could you do this to her?

Gonner:.............. I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was going to happen...

Gonner was filled with guilt, it was his fault, Isis was sure to point that out. Piroshka didn't say anything but Gonner could tell she was upset. Gonner wanted nothing more than to make up for what he did to his love. Suddenly the screaming stopped replaced by a baby crying. Jacklyn called Gonner inside while she walked out, he saw her carrying a bundle in her arms, since they didn't have any towels, Jacklyn just gave Dixie her scarf to wrap the baby girl in. Dixie showed her to Gonner who looked at the baby girl with ginger hair, and dark violet eyes like her mother, Gonner kissed his love on the forehead lovingly and looked at the part zombie baby.

Dixie: She's a redhead...

Gonner: Lassie, she be beautiful.

Dixie: I know...... Hey... Gonner? Can I ask you something?

Gonner: Of course me hearty.

Dixie: *cuddles up to Gonner* W-How would you react, if... I turned back into a zombie... and stayed that way?

Gonner: I'd still love ye, we probably be able to be with each other more often. I think it would technically be the same.

Dixie: Ugh........ I'm losing blood, Gonner..... Fast.

Gonner: It's going to be okay love. We'll still be here, like I said everything will be almost exactly the same. I'll still love Ye as much as I always had.

Gonner kissed Dixie's forehead but got no response. He put his head on her chest to listen her heart wasn't beating. Gonner watched as Dixie slowly faded into her zombie form, her head fell on Gonner's lap unconscious Gonner gently placed a hand on her head and kissed her forehead. Later, after almost an hour, her undead eyes opened and she looked at Gonner.

Dixie: Gonner?

Gonner: How'd ye sleep me hearty *kisses her*?

Dixie: Wait, I fell asleep? I thought for sure I died.

Gonner: Ye did, we zombies call death sleeping. Ye've been out for nearly an hour Lassie.

Dixie: Almost an hour? Geez, at least now I'm awake.

Gonner: Yeah, Look, Dixie, there's someone who wants to say hello to her mother~

Dixie: Aw, how long have her eyes been open?

Gonner: Pretty much the entire time love.

Dixie cuddled up to Gonner smiling and looking at her Amethyst eyed daughter, as the girl looked at her Amethyst eyed mother. The young baby was seventy five percent Zombie and twenty five percent mortal because her father was one hundred percent zombie and her mother was half zombie half mortal. Gonner and Dixie kissed each other on the lips for a few moments before they had to come up for air.

Dixie: Hey, look at this. Gonner, you have a family now.

Gonner: What about Isis? Jacklyn and Piroshka?

Dixie: I don't know, I kind of want to make Isis the godmother, either her or possibly Jacklyn, I'm not really leaning towards Piroshka yet until we're absolutely sure we can trust her.

Gonner: Agreed.

Gonner got lost in Dixie's eyes again, just like always, those beautiful eyes meant the world to him, he loved Dixie more that words could describe, same for Dixie.

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