1: Is This a Ghost or a Poltergeist?

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(Whelp, it's April, now. But I'm still putting this sucker out if it's the last thing I do!)

Today was a weird kind of interesting.

It was during that elongated period of the fall bleeding into the winter, making the students long for winter break more. It was cloudy, and though the air itself wasn't that cold, the slight breeze chilled the bodies it touched down to their bone marrow.

The campus, and the classes, by extension, were small.

On a good day, a lecture hall or any room holding a lab would contain one professor, one teaching assistant depending on the course, and about ten students.

Dixie liked it this way.

It was nice and quiet.

Which was an incredible upgrade from her loud and obnoxious high school, which she missed less and less every day.

Not to say there weren't issues.

The art and design building was one of the oldest ones on campus, and it was obvious once you walked inside.

This, for some reason, she liked too.

She could marvel at how gorgeous the architecture was on the outside as opposed to the more plain-looking, newer buildings, and then laugh at the lack of maintenance that was visible the second you even looked in the door.

The ceilings all had some type of water damage.

There was chipped paint.

The hardwood floors creaked like crazy.

The halls were so narrow that she had to squish herself to the wall whenever she passed someone.

The cover on one of the stairs railing was lifted to reveal two silver nails.

And, a new addition today, a gigantic coffee or soda spill on the lobby's bulletin board that somehow managed to cover the entire hallway to some degree.

Dixie could only conclude that it was somehow on purpose every time she tried to think through the logistics.

The place reminded her of a haunted house. Pretty on the outside, but barren and almost inhospitable on the inside.

Exactly what she would have liked in a building she had to be in on a daily basis.

Especially for two to three hour classes scattered on different days of the week.

These were studio art classes, after all.

She didn't mind.

More time to learn how to improve the results of her favorite activities? Sign her up!

It was to the point where she often stayed behind a few minutes after class just to finish one thing. The rest she would do later.

Which made the classroom a perfect spot to corner her...

Dixie didn't even notice someone at the same table next to her until she'd been staying an extra minute as usual. Everyone else having left the classroom.

Everyone except for her.

And a fellow classmate.

She looked interesting. She had a more rigid and blocky but pretty face. And unevenly cut dark hair. Plus a pair of cloudy blue eyes, which reminded Dixie of cataracts.

To top it off, she was wearing what looked like a light green sundress underneath a green jacket, with a light brown scarf around her neck.

She was pretty...

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