The Azoth's Bearer

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Dixie's POV:
I'm unable to sleep tonight because I kept thinking of Gonner and Isis. (P.S. Isis is still alive and Dixie is eighteen) I then hear a knock on my window. I look over and blush.

Dixie: Gonner?! What are you doing here?

Gonner: Aye wanted to see me las. Ye don't look like ye can sleep.

Dixie: I can't. *opens the window and they sit on the roof together*

Gonner: Is something bothering ye?

Dixie: Yes.......... When you and Piroska were fighting, you said you loved me?

Gonner: *face goes red, he looks away* Aye, that was years ago, I didn't think ye were listening.

Dixie: *blushes* Well, I did hear it.

Gonner: Thing is, I've had a crush on ye since we met. I, thought that, since ye thought I was a traitor ye wouldn't feel the same way. But, I still felt the same way for ye..... always.

Dixie: I did think you were a traitor, that's why I hit you in the face, but I still felt the same way. Especially when you admitted that you loved me, that's why I kissed you.

Gonner: *pulls Dixie closer to him*

Dixie: What are you doing?

Gonner: Aye.... Dixie?

Dixie: Gonner?

Gonner: Do ye want to.... kiss again?

Dixie: Um, sure.

Gonner: You do? What about Isis?

Dixie: I don't think we have to worry about her very much. Unless if she's hiding in a tree being a creep but I don't think that's the case.

Gonner: *chuckles* Okay.

Gonner and I hugged slightly, then without hesitation Gonner kissed me. When we pull away Gonner smiled at me but then his expression immediately turned to lovestruck shock.

Dixie: *hugging him* What?

Gonner: Aye, yer .... ye be a zombie.

Dixie: What? *looks at her hands immediately realizing that he was right*

Gonner: *staring at Dixie lovestruck* Wow las, I completely forgot how you looked as a zombie, *places a hand on her cheek* I love ye as much as I'd always had.....

Dixie: *blushes* W-what did you do?!

Gonner: *immediately snaps out of being lovestruck and turns to being shocked* I swear, I didn't do anything to ye!

Dixie: How did this happen?!

Gonner: I don't know!

I was still freaking out when Gonner calmed me down slightly by pulling me into a tight hug.

Gonner: We'll find a way to help ye.

Dixie: B-but, what are we going to tell Isis? What about my parents?!

Gonner: Aye, calm down. Ye can stay in the cemetery with Isis and I until we find a way to turn ye back into a human. Although it will be a lot easier for Isis and I to get along when yer with us.

I calm down we head to the cemetery and Isis is all superstitious as usual.

Isis: What do you think caused it?

Gonner: We're still trying to figure that out.
After 12 failed attempts to turn Dixie back into a human:
Dixie: Gonner it's hopeless. We failed

Gonner: We didn't fail, we just found twelve ways that don't work.

Dixie: That's not very reassuring.

Gonner: *chuckles* I know.

Dixie and Gonner lay down.

Dixie: Goodnight Gonner.

Gonner: I love ye Dixie....
The Next Morning
Gonner: Morning lass.

Dixie: Ugh, Gonner I had this crazy dream where I became a zombie again and I was staying in a cemetery to try and turn me back into a human, then you admitted that you loved me before I fell asleep?

Gonner: *blushes* Aye, las? That wasn't a dream.

Dixie: *freaks out at first but calms down when she realizes something* So, if that wasn't a dream, *leans against Gonner blushing* You love me?

Gonner: *red faced* Hehe.......T-that be true love....

Dixie: I..... I don't know what to say..... Thank you.

They then fall asleep.
That night
The group started wandering around when someone tackled Isis and held a knife near her neck. Taking a closer look at her she had one of her eyes stitched shut, navy blue messy hair, and some kind of assassin get up and she was wearing a mouth guard. Realizing that it wasn't who she thought it was she immediately got off and apologized.

Dixie: What do you mean?

Jacklyn: *russian accent* Well, a group of Nebulosa's followers have been following me around for weeks. *points at Isis who was sitting on the ground looking at Jacklyn * I accidentally mistaked your friend here as one of Nevulosa's followers so, sorry about that.

Isis: That's, fine.

Gonner: I actually considered that as rather amusing.

Dixie: That's cool- Wait, did you just say Nebulosa?!

They heard thunder and it began to rain, Gonner spotted an abandoned house so they ran in there. They decided to stay the next week because the sun started to rise and it was a nice place. Gonner, Dixie, Isis and Jacklyn slept in separate rooms. Dixie noticed Gonner having constant nightmares one day she saw him having bad dreams. So she hugged him slightly until he calmed down.

Gonner I'm a ZombieWhere stories live. Discover now