Telling the Truth

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The couple adopting Lizzie were confused and outraged as Dixie stood up in defense of her friends and family.

Wife adopting Lizzie: Since when did you get to change the name of our daughter?

Gonner: Because she's not your daughter, she be Dixie's daughter! *stands up* And she be mine too!

The crowd gasped. Dixie handed Lizzie to Gonner who looked at her reassuringly, with her fists clenched Dixie took off the Azoth, holding it out for the crowd to see. She watched the moon continue to rise then it finally reached Dixie, the crowd gasped along with her parents.

Dixie's "mom": W-wha-... How?......

Dixie: I'm coming out!

Gonner: Dixie, be careful.

Dixie: *whispering to Gonner* I will scaly wag, if staying with you guys means telling the whole town about who- what I am, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect all of you, and have a family with you. *shouting* This is my home now, so leave my friends and my family alone!

Dixie's dad: So, your not coming home, ever?

Dixie: If this is how you're going to treat people like me, no!

Gonner: Yeah, stand up to em me hearty!

Piroshka froze

Piroshka: *muttering to herself* Did... Did she just call me, "friend"?

Dixie picked up her daughter and showed the crowd that she was a zombie, just like her mom and dad.

Dixie: If you aren't going to treat Lizzie well, knowing she's part zombie, then she's staying with me, Gonner and my friends, where I know she'll be taken care of!

Dixie's mom walked up to Dixie, she wasn't angry like other people. Before she could reach them however, Dixie used the Azoth and teleported all six of them into the Zombie Realm. Leaving the crowd in awe, Dixie's parents broke down crying at the lost of their daughter. Piroshka wondered to herself about why Dixie counted her as "friend" (says the girl who stole my boyfriend and killed me the first time we met!) she thought. Dixie walked up to Isis and smiled at her.

Dixie: Nice job with that Isis, I'm proud of you.

Isis: *still a bit angry* Oh, yeah thanks.

Dixie: *kind of sad* Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about he baby I just didn't know what to do and I was really scared, paranoid and confused about the situation. Please forgive me and if possible, can we be friends again?

Isis: *shocked* Whoever said we weren't friends anymore? Of course I forgive you. Bread and butter?

Dixie: Bread and butter.

The two hugged each other then Dixie looked at Piroshka.

Dixie: Hey, Thanks for standing up for us.

Piroshka: Okay?

Dixie walked over to Gonner who handed the baby to Jacklyn, before she could say anything he kissed her deeply, she kissed him back. They pulled away but continued to hold each other.

Gonner: Ye did great out there me hearty. Ye really do want a family with me right?

Dixie: Sure do, cabin boy.

Gonner leaned in to kiss Dixie again but she stopped him.

Dixie: *flirting* We might want to head back in the tomb, they might be watching.

The other three were watching them but didn't notice them going back into the tomb to put their daughter back to bed because it was time for them all to sleep, and to finish their kissing session. They continued to kiss each other very deeply. They laid down still kissing and holding each other, they finally pulled away, they smiled at each other longingly and went further. They went to sleep holding each other.

Gonner: Me hearty...
The next night
Dixie and Gonner woke up and smiled at each other.

Gonner: Hi love. How'd ye sleep?

Dixie: Good, I'm still a bit shaken by what happened last night.

Gonner: I am too, but I'm pretty proud of ye, ye stood up for us even if it meant leaving yer mortal life behind. Ye do want to turn mortal again right?

Dixie: Well I'll always be half mortal half zombie, even if I'm in one specific world. I'd rather live with you.

Gonner and Dixie kissed each other then got up and left the tomb to find some food for the six of them (counting Lizzie, if she needs Zombie food, does she even have teeth at this point? Do I have to nurse her or- what he fuck do I have to do?!) Dixie thought. (Me hearty seems scared, wait. I'm not ready to be a father! What do I do?!) Gonner and Dixie looked at each other scared. They get back after collecting some food. Dixie sees Jacklyn sitting alone, she sits next to her.

Dixie: How did you die? I know you don't like to talk about it but..... I won't tell anyone...

Jacklyn: *Russian accent*: I... Don't remember... That's why I said I was always a zombie, I don't remember my mortal life.

Dixie: Oh, I didn't know if you wanted to tell me or not. Sorry I brought it up.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* No, is fine. Is just touchy subject death.... Especially where I come from. My unfinished business, is to remember how and why I died.

Dixie: Wait, Jacklyn isn't a Russian name so what was your name in Russia?

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* That is easy question. My Russian name, is Alyona (ahLYOnah) I like the name Alyona, but middle name is original name, so I go by Jacklyn, you can call me Alyona if you want.

Dixie: That's a nice name, what does it mean?

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* It means "Torch".

Dixie: Torch?

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Is symbolic to war.

Dixie: Yeah, I can tell.

Dixie looked at the Azoth which is now around her neck again. She was reminded of how Gonner and Isis wanted to be mortals again, yet Dixie constantly shifted back to being a zombie. She felt bad, even though nobody else showed anymore that they wanted to be mortal. Dixie could still tell that everyone missed being mortal, she felt really bad at this point remembering how she also wanted to be mortal just as bad as everyone else. She then saw the Azoth glowing and walked over to a spot in private and looked at it closely, she saw writing in it. She read it and as soon as she finished reading the writing changed like she turned a page in a book. She didn't understand what the Azoth was saying so she asked Gonner and her to go to Vitriol, he agreed and they found Vitriol it seemed like every time they go to Vitriol he's easier to find.

Vitriol: The Azoth looks like it's trying to say something. It looks like instructions for some kind of spell, was anything on your mind Dixie when it started talking?

Dixie: Well I thought about Gonner and Isis, and *more quiet tone* How everyone wants to be mortal again but I throw my mortal life away, I love being with Gonner, Isis and everybody, but I just felt bad...

Gonner wrapped his arm around Dixie and pulled her closer to him before kissing her behind the ear lovingly. while Vitriol walked over and turned away from them to find a book about the Azoth. Gonner looked at Dixie with pure love in his eyes, she looked at her love with the same love in her eyes.

Gonner: Me hearty, I don't really care where I live as long as I'm with you.

Dixie: I don't care that much either but, Isis, Jacklyn, Piroshka, I don't know how to feel honestly.

Gonner: That be why I fell in love with ye, ye care for others even if ye don't know how to Feel about them in a certain situation. *holds Dixie and looks at her* I love ye so much..

Dixie: *places a hand on his cheek* I love you too.

Gonner and Dixie kissed each other on the lips and held each other tightly, when they pulled away they held each other and looked at each other lovingly.

Gonner I'm a ZombieWhere stories live. Discover now