The Spell

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Vitriol showed them the spell he wrote it down and handed it to Dixie to keep.

Vitriol: You cats ought to keep this safe. It's a really powerful spell.

Dixie: We will.

After they got back Dixie put the spell in her bag. They kissed each other on the lips and held each other tightly. But they broke away when they saw a coffin appear, they waited a second and they started hearing rustling from the inside. The zombie seemed like it was stuck so Dixie pulled the lid off with Gonner and Isis. (Crossover time!) The Zombie had short brown curly hair, she was wearing some kind of pink costume, Jacklyn had guessed ballerina, but Piroshka blew it off because she wore some kind of crown.

Zombie: J-Jimmy?..... Bugaboo?....... A-anyone.....? *sees the Zombies* Aah!

The girl fell over but didn't do anything, she was just startled, not scared.

Dixie: It's okay, we're not going to hurt you. What's your name?

Zombie: H-Hannah..... Hannah Marie.

(THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!! I just made a Scary Godmother reference on YAL!!)

Isis: Nice to meet you, I'm Isis.

Hannah: Isis?!

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* No no no, not that Isis, she is Egyptian princess.

Dixie: Even so, a child this young shouldn't even know this stuff about terrorists. Anyway, I'm Dixie, this pirate here is my husband Gonner, you already know who Isis is, the girl with the stitched eye is Jacklyn, and the ghost there is Piroshka.

Hannah: Oh, nice to meet you.

Dixie looked at the ground and picked up Lizzie.

Dixie: Um, Isis, Jacklyn, Piroshka? Could you hang out with Hannah for a bit? Gonner can we talk for a second?

Gonner: Sure lassie, what for?

The two go somewhere private and have Lizzie with them, who was sleeping in her mothers arms.

Gonner: Be it about yer parents?

Dixie: Yeah..... It's easy to go back to the zombie world if you don't have people in the human world where you have to say goodbye. I just left without a word...... My parents are probably looking everywhere worried sick..... They tried to give our daughter up for adoption because they didn't think I was ready to be a mom..... I'm not even sure I'm ready to be a mom.

Lizzie started crying, Dixie was crying slightly.

Dixie: H-hey, sweetie you're okay, I-I'm sorry for making you cry....

Dixie looked over to Gonner who expressed a look of guilt because of her stress and the entire situation. Dixie placed a hand on Gonner's arm and smiled at him.

Dixie: I'm not upset that we have a baby, I'm happy but this whole thing is going to take some getting used to. Especially if we didn't pull together anything to prepare, it's just a tad stressful.

Gonner: Yeah lassie, but ye had to leave your home and family behind just to raise our baby with me, I feel horrible that ye had to be given' up so much because of a small mistake I be makin'.

Dixie: *holds the baby out to Gonner* You want to hold her? She IS your daughter. *hands the baby to Gonner and places a hand on his cheek turning his head towards her* Babe, look at me, it's not your fault I got pregnant, it was my fault too. Please don't act like you're the only one to blame, I love our daughter, and I love you...

Gonner smiled at Dixie and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Gonner: Blimey I love ye too.

Gonner and Dixie pulled into an embrace and kissed each other for several moments. Lizzie then used her voice it was Gonner's first time hearing his daughters voice. She yawned and cuddled up by her father who was gently holding her, Gonner placed a kiss on his daughters forehead. He then turned his head towards Dixie and smiled at her.

Gonner: Ye did good love, we'll be good parents I promise.

Dixie smiled at her daughter and her husband as Gonner and Dixie's lips met in a soft warm and gentle embrace. Gonner still felt sorry, he did show it to some extent Dixie saw and smiled at him and cuddled up to him, he wrapped his arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Gonner: What do ye think be going to happen next?

Dixie shrugged.

Dixie: I don't know, but we've been in WAY worse situations than this so it's not something we can't handle.

Gonner: *smiles and kisses Dixie's forehead* Yer right, we definitely be gone through worse than this, thanks for making me feel better Lassie. Ye always know how to cheer me up, I love ye.

He then saw Dixie start crying a bit.

Gonner: *hugs her tightly* Oh me hearty, I know ye miss yer parents, but it's going to be alright we're all here.

Dixie smiled at Gonner.

Dixie: We should probably get back to the others *wipes off her tears*. They're probably wondering where we are.

Gonner and Dixie walked back to the others. Isis and Jacklyn noticed that she was crying earlier, and they both hugged her.

Dixie: I just miss my parents, thanks a lot though, you guys are awesome.

Isis: I'm glad we could cheer you up.

Dixie: Like I said before, you guys are my family... Nothing is going to change that.

Piroshka just gave her a sympathetic expression but was surprised with the family part. Dixie and Gonner were confused, 'was she ACTUALLY on OUR side?' The whole group wondered that. Back in the real world her parents kept looking for her daughter but gave up admitting that she probably wasn't coming back. It was true, she wasn't going to come back in a long time.

Gonner I'm a ZombieWhere stories live. Discover now