The Shocking Attack

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The four set off to find if Nebulosa was truly back.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* I think we have enough evidence based on fact that her followers have been scouting for zombies. Is good to double check though Da?

They went to other cemeteries but couldn't find zombies in them. Their next quest was to find other zombies and ask them what happened to the others. For the next five weeks they had no luck, every cemetery they checked was completely deserted. Two months later they finally found a cemetery that had one zombie.

(Insert name here): Nebulosa has returned. The dark angels took my friends.

Jacklyn: *russian accent* So what you're saying is that she is coming for the Azoth, whatever that is.... I don't know, I'm confused.

Dixie: It's my necklace.

Dixie took out the necklace to show Jacklyn and put it around her neck like a necklace.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* A necklace? That's what crazy witch lady is after? Really?

Isis: It's not JUST a necklace, the gem is the Azoth which is the key to resurrection.

Gonner: Nebulosa tried to take it once but failed, later she tried to kill Dixie and made a false Azoth. Those be a few years ago.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Okay, now I see logic.

Dixie: Anyway you said something about Nebulosa taking all the zombies?

(Insert name here): No, I said the dark angels took my friends. Nebulosa isn't looking to try anything, though I would be a little cautious.

Gonner: Okay. We'll keep that in mind. *turns Dixie's head to face him* Besides, don't want me hearty to get hurt again.

Gonner kissed Dixie's cheek, she smiled at him.

Isis: Gonner stop flirting with my friend please?

Dixie: Isis, Gonner and I are dating, it's chill.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* You never said anything about dating. Wait........ what is.... GUYS BEHIND YOU!

They turned around and were attacked by dark angels. Jacklyn pulled out the two knives she had been sharpening with a rock and counter attacked them, and with some effort killed one of the bigger ones. The remaining dark angels grabbed the other zombie and ran off setting a fire to try and kill the remaining four zombies. Gonner was smart enough to find a safe way to escape the cemetery They escaped just in time before the whole cemetery was engulfed in flames. Gonner and Dixie hugged each other tightly, they looked into each other's eyes, Gonner kissed her deeply while neither Isis or Jacklyn were watching them. They pulled away still holding each other looking into their eyes.

Dixie: Gonner...

Gonner: Dixie.

Sorry if this is short the other parts are GOING to be LONGER.

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