The Deathly bridge

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Isis: Dixie? Can we talk in private?

Dixie agrees and they walk to another side of the cemetery.

Dixie: It's about the marriage isn't it?

Isis: Yes, when Did Gonner propose to you?

Dixie: He proposed while we were stuck in that shelter during the tornado, he was worried that if he didn't ask then, we might die and he'll never get the chance. You're okay with us being married right?

Isis: I guess I am. But I'm worried about you because you're so sick. Can you please be careful? Gonner and I will try to keep you safe, but if something happens, don't throw yourself into a dangerous situation please.

Dixie: Alright.

Isis: Sorry to say this Dixie, but I still don't trust Gonner very much. We're on a very thin line friendship but I have this bad feeling.

Dixie: Isis, please! I need you to trust him, he and I are married. I need you two to trust each other. Please, promise me that you'll do that?

Isis: Okay.

They walk back to Gonner who is sitting down and leaning against the walls of the cemetery. He stands up and hugs Dixie.

Gonner: Hey love. What did ye and Isis talk about?

Dixie: She's worried about me because I'm so sick.

Gonner: She has every right to be love, ye said it should be over by a week, now it's been a couple months. I'm getting really scared for ye.

Dixie: It's not something we need to freak out about, I know what's wrong with me, trust me I'm not going to die from it.

Gonner: Can ye please tell me then? I just want to know why yer so sick.

Dixie: *kisses Gonner's forehead* I'll think about it, but right now, Isis just needs to accept that we're married, and that she needs to trust you I think.

Gonner: *sarcastic tone* If ye say so.
A few months later
The group found a cliff with a bridge, before walking on it Isis paused.

Isis: You should knock on the wood before going on there... It's good luck.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* How is knocking on wood of bridge going to prevent bridge from breaking if anything it's going to make it break faster.

Isis's face went red as she kneeled down and knocked on the wood, and they began to walk across staring intently into what seemed like a bottomless pit below them. Isis became paranoid.

Dixie: It's fine Isis just don't look down. We'll make it across.

Gonner: Yeh, look this bridge be completely stable.

He jumps a couple times trying to scare Isis and at the same time tell her to stop freaking the hell out. The bridge doesn't even creak. That made Isis feel better. Dixie suddenly felt another pain in her stomach Gonner quickly caught her before she landed.

Dixie: ARGH!

Gonner: Dixie this be getting worse, are ye sure that I shouldn't worry about it?

Dixie almost responded when she was interrupted by loud shouting of people behind them who heard her yell and thought the zombies were harming her. When they turned around they saw that behind them was a bunch of people known as "Zombie Hunters", the entire group started walking on the bridge after them the five saw a rope breaking and realized they had to get off the bridge as soon as possible and they began to run across the bridge with the group running after them, Isis and Piroshka made it onto the other side but Dixie couldn't run so Gonner stopped and picked her up kissing her cheek and running as fast as he can with him, Dixie, Jacklyn and the hunters still on then bridge. The three almost made it until just as they had predicted the other side of the bridge had collapsed, Jacklyn used a couple knives in her pocket to hang on to the side of the cliff, Dixie started falling when Gonner grabbed her hand and with his other hand grabbed onto the bridge holding her tight as she screamed a bit not only at the pain but how close she was to death.

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