The Death Defying Tornado

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The tornado had started hitting the area where the five were staying but so far they were doing fine, Dixie was still laying in bed but when she got up Gonner asked her to meet him in another room, Dixie also noted that Gonner was extremely red faced and he seemed really nervous plus he was less chatty than usual. When they got to a different room Gonner sighed nervously.

Dixie: Gonner?

Gonner: Dixie, we may not be able to survive this storm so I'm going to ask in case if I never get the chance........

Dixie saw Gonner pull something out of his pocket she gasped.

Dixie: Oh m-my god.

Gonner: *kneeling and holding a ring to her* Las, I've loved ye ever since we met, and ever since ye said ye wanted to make our relationship work, I never felt so happy. *holds her hand gently* Because I know that I'll never love someone as much as I love ye......... Dixie Grim... Will ye marry me?

Dixie:.......... I........ *whisper* I will.

Gonner: W-what?

Dixie: Yes! *hugs Gonner knocking them both to the floor* Gonner I love you too!

Gonner: Haha!

Gonner and Dixie stand up again

Gonner: Careful me hearty! If ye yell any louder the whole neighborhood can hear us. Ye, really want to marry me?

Dixie: *hugs Gonner placing a hand on his cheek* Why would I ever turn down the zombie pirate I fell in love with?

The two kissed each other lightly but it got more passionate as the two began to kiss each other deeply, Gonner picked Dixie up set her down on the bed he laid down with her as they continued to kiss each other deeply and passionately, when they finally pulled away they smiled at each other while Gonner placed the silver ring with a tiny skull pattern on it on Dixie's ring finger.

Dixie: *kisses Gonner smiling* I thought you'd never ask me.

Gonner: I wasn't sure if ye'd say yes. *kisses Dixie beaming*
Dixie: Argh!

Gonner: I think you should get some rest me hearty. *kisses her gently*

Dixie: O-okay...

Gonner laid in bed with Dixie and tucked them in, he hugged her to help her get better sleep, before he closed his eyes to sleep he gave her a kiss on her forehead, the two fell asleep smiling slightly.
A few hours later
Dixie suddenly woke up to the sound of crashing furniture upstairs, Jacklyn ran in her room to wake her up unaware that Gonner was with her of course.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Dixie the Tornado! Everybody wake up!!!! Oh, hi Gonner didn't realize you two were sleeping together.

Dixie: Ah!

The group began searching for a way to get to safety without getting crushed, even Gonner was struggling to think of a solution.

Isis: I don't think it's a good idea to leave.

Gonner: We know that, but what if the roof-

The roof of the first floor caved in causing the basement roof to start breaking. Gonner hugged Dixie as she started shaking in fear, the two then kissed each other.

Dixie: We just need to have options.

Piroshka: I don't, I'm a ghost remember?

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* We know Piroshka, we weren't talking about you! (Swag! 😆)

The roof suddenly crashed and landed on Jacklyn and Isis. Jacklyn just pulled a straight face as The two were stuck under the pile of broken house Isis was terrified, Jacklyn was just irritated.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* I hate karma.

Piroshka tried to help Gonner and Dixie get the two out, she was a ghost so it didn't work. Plus she didn't care that much. The tornado suddenly grabbed Dixie, Gonner and Piroshka, Dixie got pulled out of the house but she grabbed onto a beam and held on. She grabbed Gonner's hand in support.

Dixie: I've got you!

Piroshka got stuck inside the tornado, which didn't harm her it just spun her around like crazy before firing her like a slingshot into another house.

Piroshka: Why f**king karma!!!!!

Gonner and Dixie tried their best not to giggle, the tornado finally blew over Gonner fell all the way into the basement and so did Dixie but Gonner broke her fall. They saw Isis and Jacklyn still stuck under the caved in ceiling, and it took a few minutes but they finally pulled the two out. Jacklyn had to re-attach her arm and leg she also had to fix her jaw, while Isis had to re-attach her arm and put her shoulder back in place.

Jacklyn: *Russian accent* Well that was crazy da?

Dixie then noticed a locket around Jacklyn's neck. She was about to ask what it was when she felt another pain in her stomach.

Dixie: *cluches her stomach* Ow!

Gonner: *hugs Dixie* Calm down me hearty, ye'll be alright, ye said it would be gone in a week?

Dixie: Yep. It's not something to worry about.

Note: If you are wondering why Jacklyn constantly has "Russian accent" in her dialogue, it's because she's a Russian character, so if you don't see that in her dialogue, it's not because she is pretending, it's just me not double checking her dialogue. BUT! I DO HAVE PLANS FOR HER CHARACTER BACKSTORY AND CHARACTER ARC!

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