Prologue: Sow the seeds of hatred and a Horrifying Nightmare

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One thing you learn from life's lessons is that there are an infinity of possible faces that destiny may put on, and you can never predict both the positive and the negative aspects of life. Since you never know when death might claim your life, it is often advised that you live each day to the fullest.

One such person was Jaune Arc, who wasn't the best or the brightest and certainly wasn't the strongest. But despite everything, he always had a good heart. The Arcs adored him for his upbeat nature.

He was motivated to become a huntsman and a hero for the clan by the tales told to him by his grandparents. Many people, however, did not share that opinion; they believed the youngster was weak and refused to train him.

He received jeers and was looked down upon by many who did not deem him worthy of training, but they could do little to stop him. Undeterred, he continued practicing, even though many did not want him to practice. In addition, there was a person he helped during the time he used to train nearby. As time went by, his initiation was soon approaching. He never had a mentor to help him, and because his parents forbade it, he never attended combat training. Due to the severe lack of training that resulted, he was able to pass the initiation and, even more so, become the team leader of a team that would soon play a significant role in his life.

His friends referred to him as the "underdog," and many saw him as the Beacon's weakest link. This did not alter the fact that he consistently followed the law and stood up for a Faunus named Velvet, making him a target of a particular bully team.

Thanks to this bully team, he started to separate himself from his friends. This led to some tension developing between them, and subsequent circumstances led Jaune to divulge his enrollment's secret, which alienated his friends and made his life much more difficult for him. They didn't yet desert him, despite this.

That didn't mean they stood up for him against his bullying. Despite this, Jaune continued to stand up for what was right and protected Cardin from an Ursa attack; however, the Bully's pride was so wounded as a result that he said something Jaune would never forget.

"Keep in mind, Jauney Boy, that just because you defeated an Ursa Major on your own doesn't signify anything; you will always be a faker and a weakling."

In spite of the bully's team targeting one of his teammates, he continued to save his teammates from harm. However, they were never appreciative and told him that they had never asked for his assistance. On the other hand, the bully told everyone what was really going on.The medical team refused to assist, and the professors ignored his agony and even made matters worse, which made him grimace. His good nature began to wane. They thought he ought to just go.

Jaune's grandparents, who had been traveling around the world, were the only family members who still cared about him and sent him letters of encouragement during these trying times. Ozpin attempted to assist, but he was unable to.

Even worse, when his family learned of this, they immediately shunned him, glared at him, and abandoned him totally, leaving him to fend for himself. Even his own sister opposed him and they cut off contact on him. For the first time, his heart began to grow cold. He continued to harbor the dream that one day he would win back their trust, their faith, and perhaps even their friendship. But it was all for nothing.

Speaking of the bully, he continued to make his life a living misery by using his connections and those of many other students to spread word of his transcripts all over the place, including the Vale Council.

Without a doubt, they moved swiftly and obtained an arrest warrant for him. His heart grew even colder, and he began to become hateful as a result of his former friends being present when he was detained and all of them turning away, nodding, or laughing at his situation. After some time, he appeared wearing an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs covered in Gravity Dust. He was being guarded by the exact heroes he admired, and they were all glaring down at him with disdain and rage. This applied to everyone present in the court, including the judge, jury, and all but one of the trial's witnesses. He scanned the court in the hopes of spotting an Arc who would look out for him.

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