Chapter 11: Returnee Miss Pink Elf and Herrscher of Wind

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(A/N: Watch it 1st before you read the chapter and turn on the youtube subtitles)

Elysia found herself suspended in the vastness of a white void, her thoughts echoing in the emptiness around her. Her soul, tied into a low ponytail, retained the essence of her previous existence. Her wishful thinking lingered in the void as she had sacrificed herself for the humanity to ensure a future where Humans and Herrschers could coexist. Her Herrscher authorities, 'Origin and Human: Ego,' echoed her determination to preserve the humanity of Herrschers.

In the emptiness, a figure appeared—a being of immense power and divine presence. Aster Krios, the Watcher of the Omniverse and beyond, revealed himself as a young male human-dragon hybrid. The smooth scales of his muscular upper body reflected his divine nature. Aster's true omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence made him a deity beyond measure.

(A/N: Introducing my OC Aster Krios, essentially a self-insert in this fanfic

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(A/N: Introducing my OC Aster Krios, essentially a self-insert in this fanfic. My OC holds the absolute power in this fanfic; if you encounter any dimensional travel, or crossovers, it's a manifestation of OC's influence. Now, let's resume the story.)

"Elysia, the Herrscher of Origin and Human: Ego of Previous Era, your sacrifice for a better future surpasses that of any mortal," Aster conveyed to Elysia with a serious expression and tone. "While I cannot directly intervene in the lower realms like the Omniverse, I possess the power to alter the fate of individuals. Beyond the Herrschers and Aeons, a higher being the Eldritch Will of Honkai lurks within the Omniverse, consuming universes, and another higher beings known as ⍑.!¡ ꖎ𝙹⍊ᒷᓵ∷ᔑ⎓ℸ ̣ ╎ᔑリ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ⊣𝙹↸ᓭ, inducing madness and chaos that countless beings, mortals or immortals alike, have been influenced by them."

"What is ⍑.!¡ ꖎ𝙹⍊ᒷᓵ∷ᔑ⎓ℸ ̣ ╎ᔑリ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ⊣𝙹↸ᓭ?" Elysia inquired, her confusion evident.

"I won't translate it Elysia, because even the mere mention of it captures their attention. A mere glance at them spells goodbye to your mental health, leading to absolute insanity. For your safety, I implore you not to pry. However, I can describe them as true absolute horrors, they were eldritch abominations." Aster cautioned Elysia against inquiring about the entity names. Elysia, overwhelmed with fear and dread, nodded in agreement not to pry further. Despite her unease, she proceeded to ask Aster another question.

"But the Will of Honkai doesn't exist on Earth," Elysia stated. Aster nodded and he told Elysia about the Eldritch WoH. 

"Allow me to recount the origins of the Eldritch Will of Honkai. In a bygone era, an ancient civilization from another universe stumbled upon the potent of Honkai energy. Following this discovery, their civilization experienced an unprecedented surge in advancement. However, internal strife erupted as individuals vied for control of this energy, leading to a cataclysmic conflict that saw the collapse of all life forms and civilizations within that universe. The remnants merged with the Honkai energy, forming a singular consciousness known as 'The Will of Honkai.' 
Casting their ominous gaze upon other universes, they unleashed corrupted Honkai energy and 'Abyssal Chaos' energy the borrowed power the from 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ⊣𝙹↸ᓭ to traverse the cosmic void and bridge the gaps between universes. Their malevolent intent was to influence and annihilate all other civilizations. The Will of Honkai emerged as an eldritch horror deity, harboring a profound hatred for humanity and a relentless desire for its destruction as well other civilizations." Aster narrated to Elysia with a solemn tone.

"Fortunately, your world escaped the influence of the Eldritch Will of Honkai, owing to the presence of 'Prometheus.' Recognized in your world as a super AI, Prometheus was skillfully programmed by your comrade, Dr. MEI. Having successfully hacked the Cocoon of Finality of your world, her purpose is to align the current era's Herrschers with those of your time, Elysia. In this mission, she extends her assistance to Jaune Arc, also known as Terminus, the Herrscher of the End and the reincarnation of the Aeon of Finality." Aster informed Elysia.

"Moreover, I've created a new Herrscher authority called 'Dragons,' bestowing it to a young man named Adam Kurogane with its powers. As the Herrscher of Dragons, Adam now possesses formidable draconic abilities. With the enhanced firepower of the Current Era Fire MOTH, they are better equipped to face the impending threats of the Eldritch Will of Honkai and the 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ⊣𝙹↸ᓭ." Aster added. Making Elysia shocked.

Aster promised to recreate Elysia's MANTIS-Herrscher hybrid body and transport her to a world similar yet different from her own. He cautioned her against revealing her resurrection, mentioning him, or trusting Otto Apocalypse.

"Ok, Aster-kun, I will do my best~" Elysia responded, her elegant and cheerful demeanor intact.
"Ok, I am looking forward to it, Ellie-chan" Aster smiled, creating a portal for Elysia. "Good luck, miss Pink Elf, on your new journey," Aster bid farewell. Elysia laughed lightly, waving goodbye as she stepped into the portal.

In St. Freya Academy, a glowing energy materialized into a humanoid shape. Elysia opened her eyes to a new era, observing the changes in technology and the atmosphere. As she strolled through the academy, her curiosity led her to a group of students discussing the ongoing struggles against Honkai.

"Hey there~" Elysia greeted with a smile. "Mind if I ask what's been happening around here lately? I feel like I've missed a lot~."

The students exchanged curious glances, clearly taken aback by Elysia's sudden appearance and her outdated manner of speaking. One of them, a girl with short blue hair, spoke up, "You're not from around here, are you? I've never seen you at St. Freya before."

Elysia chuckled lightly, "You could say I'm a transfer student, coming from a different time and place. I'm Elysia, by the way~."

The students introduced themselves, and Elysia engaged in a lively conversation about the state of the world, the advancements in Honkai technology, and the challenges they faced. She learned about the current Herrschers from 1st to 4th Herrschers and the ongoing efforts to against the Honkai as well current era Fire MOTH. During the conversation, Elysia couldn't help but think about Aster's warning not to reveal the circumstances of her return. She decided to keep her true identity and the extraordinary events that led her here a secret, at least for now.
As days passed, Elysia adapted to the new era, making friends and acquaintances. She enrolled in classes to understand the current state of affairs and the advancements in honkai research. In the evenings, she would often gaze at the stars, contemplating the vastness of the Omniverse and the responsibilities that came with her unique position.

One day, while exploring an abandoned laboratory on the outskirts of the academy, Elysia stumbled upon a hidden chamber filled with ancient artifacts. Among them was a holographic display that showcased the history of the Honkai and the battles fought by previous generations of Valkyries as well the 1st to 4th Honkai Eruption.

Deep in thought, Elysia muttered to herself, "I wonder if my friends from the past are still around, fighting for a better future~."

Unknown to her, a mysterious figure observed from the shadows. A cloaked man with piercing blue eyes and an aura of secrecy, he muttered, "So, Elysia is alive. This could complicate things and Project Stigma."

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