Chapter 7: Arc Clan Reunion and Reconnected!?

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As the night fell on Remnant, the daytime shift crewmembers of the Hyperion and the Fire MOTH team retired to their rest. However, for the nighttime shift crew and the Herrschers - Mei, Adam, and Terminus - there was no need for sleep. While Mei, being a 3rd phase Herrscher, could choose to sleep like a human, Adam and Terminus, they are 4th phase Herrschers, were true Herrschers, free from human needs like sleep or sustenance. In the 'Imaginary Space' created by Terminus, Adam and Terminus engaged in a fierce sparring session, showcasing their Herrscher authorities. Watching through the comms, awe-struck crewmembers witnessed the intense training between the two Herrschers, while others took advantage of their free time to perform ship maintenance, software system checks, power checks, and honkai-based weapon inspections as well the ship's honkai reactor.

After their training, as morning dawned, Adam returned to his room for personal care, while Terminus delved into his duties as the ship's captain, tending to paperwork. A message from Ozpin informed Terminus that the Arc Clan wished to meet with him. Alongside the Fire MOTH team and Ozpin, Terminus attended the meeting at the Arc Clan Main Mansion. The Arc Family extended apologies to Terminus, and he seized the moment to confront his elder sister, Saphron.

"Saphron, why did you abandon me when I needed you the most? You too, Terra," Terminus questioned, his gaze piercing and cold.

"Terminus, please hear me out. I did it to protect Adrian, our son. The former council members threatened to harm him, claiming he carried the 'blood of disgrace' because he's your biological son. If I or Terra tried to contact you, they would've tortured Adrian. I'm sorry, Terminus; I felt so helpless," Saphron explained tearfully, with Terra nodding in agreement.

Terminus, along with the Fire MOTH team, seethed with anger at the former council members, who had tortured and perished during Terminus' Honkai Eruption in the past. As emotions settled, Himeko expressed her anger, questioning Terminus about Adrian.

"Did I hear right? Adrian is your son, and you cheated on me!" Himeko exclaimed, dark aura surrounding her.

Terminus clarified, "Adrian is my biological son, but legally, he is Terra and Saphron's child. I volunteered to donate my sperm with their permission. I wanted them to have a child of their own."

Himeko's expression shifted from anger to understanding, and Terminus continued to share the details, appeasing the situation. The drama unfolded, watched by the intrigued eyes of the rest of the team.

After some time, Alsie Arc and her adorable 7-year-old great-grandson, Adrian Cotta-Arc, entered the room. They found themselves in the presence of the Herrscher of the End (Terminus), a muscular young man with dragon-like qualities or the Herrscher of Dragons (Adam), and three beautiful young women (Durandal, Rita, and Himeko). Also present were four 16-17-year-old girls (Kyuusyou, Kiana, Bronya, and Mei), along with their relatives and Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy, and the Chronos Members (Special Ops of the Arc clan).

"Hello, Jaune and his friends" Alsie greeted Terminus along the Fire MOTH team.

"But, great-grandma, I don't see Uncle Jaune here," Adrian remarked.

"Hello, Grandma," Terminus replied to Alsie. "My name is Terminus, but I don't go by that name 'Jaune Arc.' I don't deserve that name," he added, a pang of guilt evident as he recalled the tragic events, including the death of his grandfather, Liam Arc, during the climax of his Honkai Eruption that befell Remnant.

"I see," Alsie said, her expression tinged with sadness. However, seeing Terminus in his better state, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness.

"Is HoTE Uncle Jaune!?" Adrian exclaimed in shock. "But why did he become a bad guy?" Tears welled up in Adrian's eyes.

Terminus takes a deep breath "I became the Herrscher of the End due the hands of humanity's cruelty," he explained to Adrian, his face expressing regret. "But they," he pointed to Himeko, Durandal, and Rita, "gave me a second chance to change and forge my path to redemption." who, nodded proudly.

Terminus continued, "Now, I use my Herrscher authorities to fight and protect the beauty of the world. I've brought other Herrschers like me onto the right path." He smiled proudly, gesturing to Mei and Adam, who both nodded.

"So, Uncle Jaune is on the hero's side again?" Adrian asked Terminus, who nodded in affirmation. "Yippie!" Adrian exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy as he jumped up and down.

Remnant's Herrscher of the ENDWhere stories live. Discover now