Chapter 8: MANTIS Hunstman and Honkai Queen awaken

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The Hyperion cut through the fabric of space, hurtling toward the portal created by the starship's warp drive. Abruptly, the tranquility was shattered by the howls of Honkai Grimm beasts. The shields held, but Honkai Energy levels surged: 3,000HW, 50,000HW, 80,000HW, and an alarming 100,000HW. Remnant was thrust into another global-scale Honkai Eruption.

"Shields holding, but the Honkai levels are off the charts!" shouted an alarmed crew member aboard the Hyperion.

Terminus, the Captain and commander of the MOTH Team, barked orders. "Power down the warp drive. We fight here, now!"

The Hyperion descended into battle readiness. Panic swept through Remnant as the haunting memories of the Herrscher of the End's Honkai Eruption resurfaced.

Amidst the chaos, Adam's voice resonated. "I will unleash my herrscher authority 'dragons' on these fodders!" Hot-white flames erupted from his mouth, incinerating the Honkai Grimm in a blazing inferno.

Durandal, her blade gleaming with energy, spoke to her comrades. "Let none pass! Stand together, MOTH Team!"

As the battle raged, Kiana's voice echoed. "We can't let the Honkai take Remnant again! Fight with everything you've got!"

Terminus, his eyes glowing with power, enacted his Herrscher authority. "We need a solution. the Divine Keys!"

With a wave of his hand, Terminus created four Divine Keys. "These will purify the land. Take them to the academies at the kingdom centers."

The Hyperion veered towards Beacon Academy, where familiar faces awaited. Team RWBY, Team PLAN, Team CFVY, Ozpin, Beacon Professors, the Arc Family, Cotta-Arc Family, and Rochefort Arc stood united.

"Terminus, what's our plan?" Ozpin queried, concern etched on his face.

Terminus stepped forward. "We need defenders. Anyone willing to become MANTIS(Massively Augmented Neo-Tech Integrated Soldiers) and protect Remnant?"
Ren, Ruby, and Velvet stepped up, determination in their eyes. Ruby's voice resonated with unwavering resolve. "We can't let Remnant fall. We're in this together."
Terminus nodded, invoking his Herrscher ability. "Sleep now. When you awaken, you'll be MANTIS."

As the trio drifted into a deep slumber, Terminus muttered, "The sacrifice is great, but the need is greater."

Upon awakening, Velvet, Ren, and Ruby felt the changes in their very beings. Velvet remarked, "I feel... different."

Terminus explained, to them "You are MANTIS now. Embrace your enhanced selves, for Remnant depends on it. But you three not a normal human anymore."

The transformed hunstman/hunstress accepted Divine Keys forged by Terminus and based on trio signature weapons but more powerful capable slay a Herrscher. Ruby held her scythe and sniper rifle combo, Ren wielded pistols with sickle-like blades attached, Velvet hold her light sword with filled of honkai energy.

Meanwhile, Salem, the Herrscher of Grimms, was harnessing unimaginable power, as she devoured the brother Gods the Light and Darkness. Her voice echoed, "My~ Honkai-Grimms, bring chaos to the world." Back at Beacon Academy, the stage was set for epic battle. Ozpin rallied the defenders, "For Remnant, for our future!"
As the MANTIS warriors embraced their destiny, Remnant stood at the precipice of an epic struggle.

The Hyperion, propelled toward Salem, carried the Fire MOTH team alongside Ruby, Velvet, and Ren. As they charged, the Honkai-Grimms fell before their combined might, but the ominous surge of Honkai energy hinted at the impending confrontation with Salem. The energy levels climbed steadily, reaching a critical 150,000HW as they neared the source of Honkai Eruption.

Adam, the Herrscher of Dragons, unleashed a barrage of fireballs, creating small fiery explosions with each impact. Charging at his target, he continued to rain down fireballs, causing havoc among the Honkai beasts and Honkai-Grimms.

"Feel the wrath of dragons!" Adam roared, the fiery explosions illuminating the battlefield.

Mei, the Herrscher of Thunder, added her power to the mix. With a wave of her hand, she utilized her Herrscher authority to instantly sever chemical bonds, obliterating Honkai-Grimms in her vicinity.

"The storm approaches!" Mei declared, her eyes crackling with electric honkai-energy.

Terminus, the Herrscher of the End, harnessed his diverse set of Herrscher authorities. From 'Truth' to 'Finality or End,' he unleashed a torrent of destruction, wiping out Honkai-Grimms with each manifestation.

"Witness the power that brings forth the Finality" Terminus proclaimed, his eyes ablaze with a myriad of cosmic forces.

As the Fire MOTH Herrschers confronted Salem, the Herrscher of Grimms, the battlefield became a spectacle of cosmic clashes. Salem, with her immortal nature, continued to produce Honkai-Grimms through puddles of darkness and explosive chaos. The honkai energy levels surged to an astonishing 2,999,999HW, nearing the maximum limit. Terminus's Divine Keys maintained safe zones around the four academies, safeguarding humans and Faunus, but the battle endured due to Salem's immortality.

Amidst the chaos, Adam shouted, "We must break through her defenses! Keep the pressure on!" Mei, unleashing her thunderous powers, added, "I'll clear the path! None shall stand before the storm!"

Terminus, using the Herrscher authority of 'Truth,' discerned Salem's vulnerabilities. "Her immortality stems from darkness. We must disrupt the abyssal honkai energy and mana!"

The battle raged on, explosions and clashes echoing across the battlefield. Ruby, Velvet, and Ren fought alongside the Fire MOTH team, their determination unwavering.

Ruby's voice cut through the darkness, "We can't let Salem win! Keep pushing forward!"

Velvet, wielding her newfound MANTIS abilities, added, "For Remnant! For everyone we love!"

Ren, firing shots with his newly crafted Divine Key, joined the chorus, "Salem won't break us! We'll end this chaos!"

The Herrscher of Dragons, Thunder, and End continued their relentless assault. Adam's chaotic laser beam intertwined with Mei's thunder, creating a mesmerizing display of elemental fury. Terminus, with his array of Herrscher authorities, sought to unravel the abyssal honkai energy that fueled Salem's immortality.

Salem, frustrated by the unyielding opposition, bellowed, "You cannot stop the inevitable! The Abyss is eternal!"

Terminus, his eyes gleaming with determination, retorted, "Abyss may be eternal, but so is our resolve. Remnant will not fall!"

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