About the Honkai

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The Honkai:
The Honkai is a recurring cataclysm, taking various forms such as Honkai Beasts, plagues, ice ages, and illnesses, all driven by a single, ominous purpose: the annihilation of civilizations. What sets the Honkai apart is its adaptability, growing in potency alongside the advancement of the societies it targets. The enigmatic force responsible for this relentless destruction is known as the Will of Honkai. On a more profound scale, the Honkai can be perceived as a mechanism of natural selection, a process akin to pruning that removes weaker worlds from the branches of the Imaginary Tree, ensuring the survival of only the fittest.  The 'weaker worlds' fall into the Sea of Quanta.

However, the true nature of the Honkai transcends a mere test for eliminating weaker worlds, as was previously believed. An alternative perspective, advanced by luminaries like Tesla and Kevin, suggests that the Honkai serves as an ongoing experiment, urging humanity to evolve sufficiently to achieve what is referred to as "Finality's embrace." In this context, "embrace" signifies the assimilation of humanity and its civilization into Finality, an elusive entity devoid of a tangible form, instead manifesting as a "Cocoon" within the Honkai universe. Kevin reveals to Fu Hua the profound reality underlying Earth's civilization and the essence of Finality: Finality's unique dominion over time. Leveraging this power, it confines the planet within a 50,000-year reincarnation cycle. Once this epoch concludes and the "embrace" endeavor falls short, the Final Herrscher intervenes, resetting the world, including its civilizations, to their inception, initiating the cycle anew.

As for bubble universes, Dr. MEI explains that during each world reset, the influence of Finality engenders bubble universes that mirror the characteristics of the reset world, encapsulating the essence of its power.

Honkai Energy:
Honkai Energy represents an unprecedented breakthrough in technological advancements, offering capabilities that surpass any known energy source. This extraordinary energy source not only demonstrates unparalleled efficiency but also carries the potential to transform individuals and creatures lacking adequate resistance and immunity into mindless zombies upon contact.

Honkai Beasts:
Honkai Beasts represent formidable entities meticulously crafted by the Honkai with the singular intent of eradicating humanity. Their characteristic appearance often includes pristine white armor accented by radiant pink highlights, although exceptions exist, as evidenced by Frost Honkai Beasts boasting obsidian armaments adorned with striking cyan embellishments. Honkai Beasts are categorized into distinct classes based on their destructive potential, thereby exemplifying the multifaceted hierarchy within this malevolent force.

Honkai Radiation/Sickness:
Honkai Radiation, commonly referred to as the Honkai Sickness, stands as a deadly ailment with an absolute 100% fatality rate, save for a solitary remedy. Yet, this antidote comes at an exorbitant cost, demanding the precious antibodies of a thousand individuals for a single cure. To date, only Su and his mentor are known to have received this life-saving treatment.The onset of Honkai Radiation arises from prolonged exposure to the Honkai or close encounters with Honkai Beasts. Manifesting through a series of debilitating symptoms, the affliction encompasses infection patterns, gradual vision impairment, respiratory distress, zombification, systemic organ infections, and persistent fatigue.

Honkai Welt (HW):
In the expansive Honkaiverse, Honkai Welt (HW) serves as a crucial unit of measurement employed to gauge the output of Honkai Energy emanating from Houkai Beasts, Herrschers, Honkai Eruptions/Outbreaks. Exposure to a mere 10 HW or more spells a gradual cessation of bodily functions for an ordinary human, leading to their transformation into a type of zombified entity.

The magnitude of the Houkai Energy directly corresponds to the scale of the impending catastrophe. At the threshold of 100 HW, a Houkai Beast can either manifest or be born, with this level of Houkai Energy drawing local Houkai Beasts toward its source. A prominent example of such energy concentration can be found within the sacred precincts of the Will of the Houkai, nestled within Sakura's Village.

Noteworthy HW benchmarks include:
Canon Power Rating:
- Fu Hua donning thigh socks: 10 HW

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