Chapter 6: Back to Remnant!?

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The Hyperion, a battleship now a starship with Honkai-based technology, thrummed with energy as its diligent crew worked tirelessly to ensure its optimal functionality. Terminus, utilizing his Herrscher authorities, had added upgrades and system updates to turn the spacecraft into a marvel capable of interdimensional space travel.

Meanwhile, the Fire MOTH team, under the leadership of Terminus, delved into the emerald forest on Vale for exploration. Accompanied by Adam, Durandal, Rita, Himeko, Kiana, Kyuusyou, Mei, and Bronya, the group navigated the lush expanse, now unusually devoid of the usual Grimm presence.

"Strange" Terminus remarked, his brow furrowed in concern as they ventured deeper into the forest.

"Master Terminus, what's the matter?" Rita inquired, her maid persona on full display.

"Usually, there are too many Grimms in this forest" Terminus explained, his gaze scanning the surroundings for any signs of the ominous creatures.

"Grimms?" Adam, Durandal, Rita, Himeko, Kiana, Kyuusyou, Mei, and Bronya asked simultaneously, their curiosity piqued.

"Grimms are creatures of darkness, attracted to human's negative emotions. Their origins are unknown, but there are legends and myths surrounding them" Terminus elaborated, adding an air of mystery to the already enchanting forest.

 Their origins are unknown, but there are legends and myths surrounding them" Terminus elaborated, adding an air of mystery to the already enchanting forest

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As they strolled through Vale, the palpable tension from the citizens and students at Beacon Academy became evident. Fear and hatred painted the atmosphere, a stark contrast to the vibrant school environment. None dared to confront Terminus, the Herrscher of the End, whose very presence had almost brought about the destruction of Remnant.

"Captain, why are they glaring at you?" Kiana inquired, sensing the unspoken animosity directed at Terminus.

"We noticed it too, Captain" Durandal added. Adam, Kyuusyou, and Mei nodded in agreement with Durandal, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

Unbeknownst to the group, Sirin, the Herrscher of Void, and the other persona within Kiana, listened intently to the conversation. A sinister plan brewed within her mind, aiming to take over Kiana's body and trigger a Honkai Eruption in this world.

"In the past, I unleashed my Herrscher powers and almost destroyed the world," Terminus admitted with a tone of regret, his voice heavy with the weight of past mistakes. "If only I had controlled my wrath, anger, and hatred back then... maybe my grandfather would still be alive."

Himeko, ever the pillar of support, offered comforting words. "You know your grandfather would be proud to see you now, having overcome your inner darkness. His sacrifices were not in vain."

"You're right, Himeko, best girlfriend ever I had" Terminus replied, a genuine smile breaking through the shadows of his past.

"Da Bronya thinks Subject Captain needs some free time. When we're back home, we can play video games on weekends. But be warned, Da Bronya will finally beat you in-game" Bronya added with her usual stoic expression.

"If you want to beat me, then wait for another 100 years with that skill issue of yours" Terminus playfully teased Bronya.

"Nyet!!" Bronya with to react with shock. Even Kiana couldn't hide her surprise at Terminus's unexpected banter on Bronya.

Ozpin, Glynda, Team RWBY, Team PLAN, and Velvet observed this unusual exchange from a distance. They approached the Fire MOTH team, acknowledging their presence in a show of both curiosity and caution.

"Mr. Jaune Arc and his companions" Ozpin and Glynda greeted Terminus and the Fire MOTH team. The other members of the group raised an eyebrow, silently acknowledging the acknowledgment.

"Jaune, we're sorry-" Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, Lie Ren, Nora began their apologies. "Brother, you're back. I'm so sorry-" Alex Arc started, her voice tinged with remorse.

However, Terminus interrupted them with a cold glare and expression. His Herrscher halo and wings appeared faintly, glowing with an ethereal light as well his eyes, and the Honkai Energy levels rose, measuring 2000 HW, yet remained contained within his control.

"First of all, my name is Terminus, and the name Jaune Arc is dead" he declared, severing the ties to a past he wished to forget. His mood soured upon meeting those who had once been friends or his tormentors.

"Glynda, as the combat instructor, you let students like Cardin get away with wrongdoing since day one" Terminus accused Glynda with disappointment. "Lucky that bastard is dead during my Honkai Eruption, he had a slow and painful death along his parents and teammates" he added, a dark grin playing on his lips. The atmosphere grew tense, even among the Fire MOTH team, who they understood Terminus's behavior better than the others.

"Ruby, you were my first friend, but you turned your back on me!" Terminus's anger cut through the air, causing Ruby to flinch.

"Weiss, you're just like your father" he said to Weiss, whose heart felt the icy stab of a painful truth.

"Blake, you're a hypocrite. You faked your way into Beacon like me, but unlike me, you were a former member of a terrorist group" Terminus revealed a harsh truth, laying bare the contradictions within Blake's past.

"Yang, I have no words" he said coldly to Yang, his disappointment evident in his gaze.
"Pyrrha, you were supposed to be my partner and yet you kicked me out along with Ren and Nora"
"Ren and Nora, I'm disappointed in both of you. Your parents are dead, and their memory would be shamed by your actions" he coldly addressed them, the weight of their choices hanging heavy in the air.

"And my twin 'sister' Alex, you're a piece of shit of a sister, you pathetic shit" Terminus's words cut deep, causing distress on Alex. Glynda, Team RWBY, and PLAN hung their heads in shame, grappling with the repercussions of their past actions.

"You want me to continue my destruction, but I will take Velvet back to my home" Terminus threatened. "Fine by me, anyway I dont care if you die or not" he added with an uncaring tone.

"Terminus, please calm down, okay. It's in the past" Himeko said to Terminus, placing her hand on him to diffuse the tense situation before it got out of hand. Terminus finally calmed himself, with the help of Himeko, but the citizens and students now feared him even more.

"Velvet, thank you for standing on my side, even if you did it in your own way," Terminus said to Velvet, offering a warm smile and patting her head. It was a moment of solace, causing Mei, Kyuusyou, Kiana and Bronya to grow jealous of the headpats.

'IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME, CAPTAIN'S HEADPATS IS ONLY RESERVED FOR ME, NOT SOME SHY BUNNY GIRL!!!' Mei, Kyuusyou, Kiana and Bronya yelled mentally, even Sirin and Mei's Herrscher Persona agreed on their host.

Turning to Ozpin, Terminus inquired about the absence of Grimms in the Emerald Forest. Ozpin explained the aftermath of the Herrscher of the End and the Global Honkai Eruption, revealing that the Grimm populations had dwindled. This allowed humans and Faunus to rebuild with little worry. Ozpin extended an invitation for Terminus and his team to study at Beacon, but they declined, asserting their belonging to the Honkai Impact 3rd dimension. Ozpin nodded in understanding.

Terminus then asked Ozpin about his grandmother Alsie Arc. Ozpin told Terminus that his grandmother was depressed because of her husband Liam Arc's death and Terminus being missing since the aftermath of the Honkai Eruption. Ozpin revealed that the Arc family missed him, his two uncles, parents, and sisters. They wanted an apology for what they did to him, expressing regret. Terminus just nodded in acknowledgment.

Terminus contacted the crew members on Hyperion through comms, instructing them to fetch the Fire MOTH team. After a while, a colossal starship hovered in the sky above Vale, causing Ozpin, Glynda, Team RWBY, Team PLAN, Velvet, and the rest of the citizens to be in shock at the advanced technology displayed. The ship picked up the Fire MOTH team.

The crew reported to their Captain, Terminus that the ship wasn't ready for interdimensional warp, and they needed to wait for three weeks in Remnant. Terminus nodded in understanding, accepting the limitations of the ship's current state. The Fire MOTH team, now aboard the Hyperion, prepared for a temporary stay on Remnant, navigating the challenges of a world unfamiliar to them.

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