Chapter 5: Dimension Rift

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The aftermath of the 4th Honkai Eruption had left its indelible mark on the world, and the crew of the Hyperion, along with Himeko, Durandal, Rita, Kiana, Kyuusyou, Mei, Bronya, and Adam, had returned to the relative safety of St. Freya. For Adam, this was a new beginning, as he became the first male student ever enrolled at the prestigious academy. Terminus and Theresa, his mentors, were determined to guide him on a path of redemption and self-discovery. Adam's presence at St. Freya, however, stirred up a storm of resentment among the student body. The memory of the 4th Honkai Eruption, caused by the Herrscher of Dragons, was still fresh in their minds. The devastation had claimed the lives of one million people, and Adam was seen as the Herrscher responsible for this tragedy. Most students couldn't fathom why he was allowed to study alongside them.

Terminus, who also taught at St. Freya, was not blind to the bullying that Adam faced. As a combat instructor, he felt a deep sense of responsibility to protect his students, even if it meant confronting them. He decided to take action against the bullies and reprimanded them, explaining how and why Herrschers manifested. But his attempt at education was cut short by an arrogant and disrespectful student who challenged Terminus's authority and questioned his knowledge about Herrschers. Terminus, known for his unwavering resolve, fixed the student with a cold, unyielding gaze.

In a voice that left no room for argument, Terminus began to recount the tale of Sirin, the Herrscher of Void, during the 2nd eruption. He described how Sirin's immense power had nearly brought about the end of the world, all because of humanity's own faults. Innocents had suffered the consequences of her wrath, and the horrors of that event still haunted the collective memory of humanity. Terminus then connected the story to Adam, emphasizing that he, too, had been a victim of circumstances beyond his control. He had not willingly chosen to become a Herrscher, and the burden he carried was one that weighed heavily on his conscience.

The bullies, now shaken and fearful of their stern teacher, received a stern warning from Terminus. The student who had challenged him initially was particularly terrified, realizing the gravity of the situation. They had never seen their teacher so angry and disappointed, and the experience left an indelible mark on them. As the commotion reached its peak, Himeko, Theresa, Kiana, Kyuusyou, Mei, and Bronya arrived on the scene. They had witnessed the entire confrontation and immediately sided with Terminus and Adam. Theresa, the academy headmistress, cast a withering look at the bullies.

"Do you have any idea who you're bullying?" she asked with authority. "Adam has faced challenges that none of you can even begin to comprehend. He's willing to change, to use his Herrscher powers for good, and to move on from his troubled past. But you... you're perpetuating the cycle of hatred and blame that led to the Honkai Eruption in the first place or do you want 5th Eruption happends."

Theresa's words carried a weight that silenced the bullies further. She went on to warn them about the consequences of their actions, making it clear that suspension or expulsion were very real possibilities. Theresa had dealt with countless Honkai-related incidents throughout her tenure at St. Freya, and she had zero tolerance for students who refused to learn from history's mistakes. Once the situation had subsided, Adam still found himself struggling with his newfound presence at St. Freya. His Herrscher status, combined with his draconic instincts and heightened senses, often left him feeling like an outsider. However, with the support of Terminus, Theresa, and the Valkyries, he began to adapt and learn to control his powers better. In the training area designated for Valkyrie practice, Adam joined Kiana, Kyuusyou, Mei, and Bronya for training simulation. They worked together, honing their combat skills and strategizing to overcome various challenges. Adam's presence brought a new dynamic to the team, and he soon proved to be a valuable asset. Back on the Hyperion, Durandal and Rita engaged in a conversation as they watched the world go by from the ship's large windows. Their discussions ranged from the challenges of being a Valkyrie to the mysteries of the Honkai. Rita's sharp analytical mind often complemented Durandal's experience and wisdom.

Meanwhile, Terminus gathered Adam, Durandal, Himeko, Kiana, Kyuusyou, Mei, and Bronya on the Hyperion's bridge. They stood together, a diverse group with their own unique abilities and backgrounds, united by their shared goal of protecting humanity from the Honkai. Himeko and Terminus, despite their roles as mentors and leaders, couldn't help but share a romantic connection that had developed over their years of fighting side by side. Their unspoken understanding and affection for each other added a layer of depth to their interactions.

As for Adam and Kyuusyou, they found themselves drawn into deep conversations, their friendship growing stronger with each passing day. They shared stories of their pasts, their struggles, and their hopes for the future. Adam appreciated Kyuusyou's empathetic nature and her understanding of the burden he carried. Bronya and Kiana, on the other hand, found solace in their shared love of video games. They often engaged in friendly competitions, with Bronya's superior gaming skills leading to a consistent victory streak. Kiana, never one to back down from a challenge, always aimed to improve her gaming prowess, much to Bronya's amusement.

As the Hyperion cruised through the skies, a sudden anomaly caught everyone's attention. A giant dimensional rift portal appeared seemingly out of nowhere, causing the Hyperion's systems to go haywire. External shielding systems failed, and the ship's stability was compromised. Terminus, in a moment of crisis, didn't hesitate. He activated his Herrscher authority created nanobots to boost the ship's systems and initiated emergency repairs. As he worked to stabilize the Hyperion, he gazed out of the window, filled countless stars and saw a familiar sight—a shattered moon and a planet that bore an uncanny resemblance to Earth.

He muttered to himself, a hint of sadness in his voice, "My old home... Remnant." "Since Im the Herrscher of the End of this world that almost destroy this world" Terminus remebers what he did on this he almost cause a complete planetcide and Hemiko saw Terminus expression so she conforted him.

Terminus glaze on the planet looks like it recover for the global honkai eruption. and he a little smiled he cannot sense any honkai energy on the planet itself. His words didn't go unnoticed by Himeko, Durandal, Rita, Kiana, Kyuusyou, Mei, Bronya, and Adam, who were all gathered on the bridge. They exchanged curious glances, wondering what memories and emotions Terminus held for this mysterious place. With the Hyperion now back on track, Terminus made a decision.

He ordered the crew to enter the atmosphere slow descent, leading them to a world known as Remnant—a place where new adventures and challenges awaited. The Valkyries observed the chaotic landscape as they descended, clearly marked by the influence of the Honkai.
Their landing on Remnant, particularly in the region known as Vale, marked the beginning of a new chapter in their journey. As they stepped onto this unfamiliar world, they knew that their skills and determination would be put to the test once more. Little did they realize that the mysteries of Remnant and the Honkai were intertwined in ways they could never have imagined.

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