Chapter 4: Kyuusyou's Origins and Timeline Disruption

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Two years had passed since the devastating 3rd Honkai Eruption and the emergence of the Herrscher of Thunder. Life at St. Freya had taken a fascinating turn. Terminus, a fearsome knight, had to take into the role of a high school teacher and combat instructor in St. Freya Academy. His class was a diverse mix of talents, and it was apparent that all the female students had developed a crush for him, including Kyuusyou, Kiana, Bronya, and Mei.

Terminus, along with Himeko, was responsible for teaching subjects like history and records of Honkai, Science, honkai energy control, learning how to counter the different types and classes of Honkai Beasts, and combat tactics. Amidst their lessons, Kiana and Bronya stood out for their playful banter, often trading humorous insults like "Idiotika" and "Bratnya."

Himeko, on the other hand, maintained her drunken antics. Sneaking into Terminus' room, conveniently located next door in Squad V dorm, she often found herself wrapped in Terminus' strong, muscular frame as they shared their nights together. Little did they know, a romantic connection was slowly kindling between them during these intimate moments.

Meanwhile, Theresa, an avid manga enthusiast, continued to lose herself in her books, neglecting her duties as academy principal. Terminus and Mei had become renowned as the "Herrscher of Cooking" due to their culinary mastery, capable of eliciting 'foodgasms' from anyone lucky enough to sample their dishes.

Terminus wasn't just teaching Mei the art of cooking; he was also honing her Herrscher powers and instructing her in honkai energy control. He delved into the intricate science of electromagnetic atomic bonds, guiding Mei on how to dismantle chemical structures with precision. This knowledge amplified her Herrscher authority to unparalleled heights. Their training sessions frequently transported them to the Imaginary Space, a realm where the laws of physics bent to their will, ensuring no harm befell their world.

Terminus himself continued to push his boundaries. His pursuit of mastering the Path of Finality, his Aeon's power, enabled him to manipulate time independently of honkai energy. Simultaneously, he honed his aura and unlocked his Semblance, "Aura Amp," which not only enhanced his aura but also bolstered his honkai and cosmic energy the energy used by Aeons, setting him apart as a formidable force.

Kyuusyou, weighed down by her past and her prophetic abilities, began to sense an impending catastrophe similar to the one that had ravaged her own dimension. She decided it was time to share her story with Kiana, Bronya, Mei, Himeko, Theresa, and Terminus. She revealed the shocking revelation that she had regressed to the age of 15 in this world, a stark contrast to her true age of 19 in her original dimension.

Kyuusyou recounted her memories of battling the Fire MOTH and the terrifying Eldritch Will of Honkai during the Great Honkai Eruption. In her recollections, the Eldritch Will's monstrous tentacles and gaping maw threatened to engulf everything. Mei and others had been consumed by the Will of Honkai, while Kiana and Kyuusyou fought valiantly. Kiana, in a heart-wrenching moment, had entrusted her Herrscher core of the End to Kyuusyou, urging her to deliver it to her counterpart in another world.

With tears in her eyes, Kiana had said, "If you ever encounter my counterpart in another world, please give her this core. Find happiness in your next world, Kyuusyou. Goodbye." She utilized her Herrscher of the End and Void authority to transport Kyuusyou to another realm.

Back in this world, Kiana grappled with whether to accept the Herrscher core of the End from her counterpart. Kyuusyou reassured her that there was no rush and that she should take her time. Kyuusyou also unveiled her own Herrscher status, as the Herrscher of Reason from her dimension, and sought Terminus' guidance to master her newfound powers. Terminus then shared his recurring nightmares about the Eldritch Will of Honkai, describing its unimaginable power to consume entire realities, worlds, galaxies, and dimensions. He emphasized how it corrupted Herrschers, turning them into genocidal entities. Kyuusyou's own experiences affirmed the malevolence of the Eldritch Will of Honkai.

Recognizing the imminent threat of the Eldritch Will of Honkai, Theresa resolved to prepare for the impending catastrophe. She initiated a special ops team called the Fire Myrmidons of Taskforce Honkai, or Fire MOTH, dedicated to confronting this looming threat. Terminus was appointed as its leader, with Himeko as captain and Theresa as vice-captain. Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Kyuusyou joined the ranks as its members.

Meanwhile, Rita Rossweisse, dispatched by Otto to investigate the Herrscher of the End and the clone vessel of the Herrscher of the Void, overheard the conversation among Kiana, Bronya, Mei, Himeko, Theresa, and Terminus about the Eldritch Will of Honkai. She was horrified by the descriptions of its incomprehensible power and promptly reported her findings to Otto. Despite maintaining a composed exterior, Otto was deeply shaken by the revelation. This discovery prompted him to halt his plans to revive his loved one. He ordered Durandal and Rita to join the Fire MOTH ranks, recognizing the dire threat that now loomed over their world. St. Freya's peaceful facade had been shattered, and a new, epic battle awaited them-one that would test the limits of their powers and determination.

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