Chapter 17: Dawn of Unity: Teyvat's Triumph and Celestia's Fall

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In the aftermath of the catastrophic events that befell Khaenri'ah and the whole Teyvat, Sumeru found itself grappling with the aftermath. Terminus, the once-vibrant leader of the Fire MOTH, emerged from a week-long coma, but the sacrifice he made during the climax of Khaenri'ah left him emotionless and devoid of his humanity. Stuck in his powerful Aeon-Herrscher form, Terminus faced an internal struggle that threatened to consume him.

The Fire MOTH, a formidable group consisting of Adam, Elysia, Mei, Kiana, Kyuusyou, Sirin, Theresa, Bronya, Ruby, Ren, Velvet, Rita, and Durandal, rallied around their leader. Their collective concern and determination to help Terminus were palpable.

Adam, the steadfast and principled member of the group, spoke first. "Captain, we've been through a lot together. We won't let you face this alone."

Elysia, known for her teasing nature, added, "Come on, Terminey-kun~. Your poker face won't fool us. We know you're in there somewhere."

Mei, with a quiet but resolute demeanor, stepped forward. "Captain, you sacrificed for all of us. We won't let that sacrifice be in vain."

Kiana, the energetic and optimistic warrior, chimed in, "Yeah! We're like a family, right? Families stick together."

Kyuusyou, the playful and carefree member of the Fire MOTH, grinned. "We're with you, Captain."

Theresa, spoke with compassion. "Terminus, we'll help you rediscover your emotions. You don't have to carry this burden alone."

Terminus's declaration echoed in the Hyperion's medbay, his words devoid of emotion. "Guys, just give up. I don't feel anything... It's just an endless void of emptiness," he stated in a emotionless tone.

Adam, Elysia, Mei, Kiana, Kyuusyou, and Sirin, the Herrschers of Fire MOTH, surrounded Terminus. Their determined gazes met his emotionless ones.

"You know we can't give up, Captain, because you never gave up on us," Adam, the Herrscher of True Dragon, spoke with unwavering conviction. The others, Herrschers, nodded in agreement.

"Terminey-kun~, we'll bring back your emotions, no matter how long it takes," Elysia added, her eyes reflecting the determination shared by the entire Fire MOTH team. They stood united, ready to face the challenge of restoring what was lost within their captain.

Meanwhile, Terminus' Harem, a group of strong and supportive individuals—Rukkhadevata, Elysia, Bianka, Himeko, Kiana, Bronya, and Mei—stood by his side.

Rukkhadevata, the Dendro Archon and Terminus' companion, with her motherly presence, said, "Terminus, you've always carried the weight of the world on your shoulders. Let us help you now."

Bianka, the insightful member of the Harem, added, "We're here not just as your companions and loved one but as your pillars of strength."

Himeko, with her disciplined nature, spoke, "Terminus, emotions are what make us human. We'll guide you back to them."

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