Chapter 18: The Unleashing of Chaos

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The Archons, their powers momentarily amplified by the residual energy from Celestia's fall, stood in awe of the near-infinite elemental energies swirling around them. Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, gazed at the turbulent winds with concern. "This elemental energy is overwhelming. If it goes unchecked, it could lead to a cataclysmic event."

Morax, the Geo Archon, examined the earth beneath him, feeling the tremors caused by the excessive Geo energy. "We must act swiftly. Uncontrolled elemental reactions could devastate Teyvat."

Makoto, the Electro Archon, observed the crackling of lightning in the air. "I've never seen such concentration of Electro energy. It's as if the very air is charged."

Rukkhadevata, the Dendro Archon, sensed the impending danger. "This surge of Dendro energy is unprecedented. If it erupts, the consequences would be disastrous."

Egeria, the Hydro Archon, looked at the swirling waters with concern. "The Hydro energy is too intense. We must find a way to contain it before it floods the lands."

Murata, the Pyro Archon, observed the flickering flames around her. "This Pyro energy is volatile. If it ignites, it could turn Teyvat into an inferno."

Tsaritsa, the Cryo Archon, felt the chilling frost in the air. "The concentration of Cryo energy is beyond measure. We need to act before Teyvat is plunged into eternal winter."

As the Archons deliberated on the imminent threat, Terminus stepped forward, his Aeon-Herrscher form radiating with power. "Fear not, my fellow Archons. I shall harness the authority of 'Finality' to prevent this elemental catastrophe."

With a wave of his hand, Terminus began to channel his Aeon-Herrscher powers. The chaotic energies began to coalesce, and a colossal gem formed above him, shimmering with seven different colors, each corresponding to one of the elemental energies.

Barbatos, relieved, said, "Terminus, can you truly contain all this energy?"

Terminus, his eyes glowing with determination, nodded. "I shall condense these energies into Elemental gems, each representing one of the seven elements. This way, we can control and utilize them without risking the destruction of Teyvat."

As Terminus continued his task, the Archons watched in awe as the elemental energies were drawn into the gems. The near-infinite potential of destruction transformed into manageable sources of power. Once the process was complete, Terminus held the seven Elemental gems, each pulsating with restrained energy.

Morax, impressed, spoke, "You have averted a disaster, Terminus. These gems shall be powerful tools, but we must use them wisely."

Terminus, his Aeon-Herrscher form subsiding, addressed the Archons, "Indeed. With these gems, we can ensure the prosperity and balance of Teyvat. Let us distribute them among the nations to foster cooperation and understanding."

Terminus, with the Elemental gems in hand, faced the gathering of Archons—Barbatos, Morax, Makoto, Rukkhadevata, Egeria, Murata, and Tsaritsa. The air crackled with residual elemental energy as the broken Gnosis scattered around them.

Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, looked at the Elemental gems with a mix of awe and concern. "These gems hold the essence of our elements, yet their power is unlike anything I've seen. Terminus, what do you propose we do with them?"

Terminus, his Aeon-Herrscher form radiating a calming energy, spoke, "These Elemental gems are vessels of divine authority. Each Archon should decide the fate of their respective elemental gem. Rukkhadevata, you mentioned returning the Dendro authority. How do we proceed?"

Rukkhadevata, her expression resolute, replied, "The Dendro authority rightfully belongs to the Dragon Seven Sovereigns. It was stolen from them by the Primordial One, Phanes, during the ancient war. However, there's a complication—the Dragon Seven Sovereigns harbor deep-seated resentment towards the Gods due to Celestia's actions."

Morax, the Geo Archon, in contemplation. "Returning the Dendro authority is a noble endeavor, but we must approach the Dragon Seven Sovereigns with caution. Their history with Celestia may hinder diplomatic efforts."

Egeria, the Hydro Archon, added, "We need a plan to reconcile their grievances and convince them that our intentions are genuine. Only then can we restore balance to the elemental authorities."

Terminus nodded, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Rukkhadevata, you have a connection with nature. Can you reach out to the seven Dragon Sovereigns and initiate a negotiation?"

Rukkhadevata agreed, "I shall use the Dendro gem to establish a channel with Apep. However, convincing her to accept our offer will require more than words. Actions will speak louder."

As Rukkhadevata began the communication, the Elemental gems resonated with her powers, creating a connection with Apep. The Archons waited anxiously for the outcome.

Meanwhile, Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, contemplated the fate of the Anemo gem. "For the Anemo gem, I propose we use its powers to rejuvenate the land and heal the scars left by the Celestia's fall. What do you think, my fellow Archons?"

Makoto, the Electro Archon, suggested, "And for the Electro gem, we could harness its energy to create a sustainable power source for the people. A gift to Teyvat that ensures progress without relying on Celestia's manipulations."

As each Archon deliberated on the fate of their respective Elemental gems, Rukkhadevata, after a tense communication, addressed the gathering. "Apep the Dragon of Verdure, one of the seven dragon sovereigns are willing to consider our proposal, but they demand proof of our sincerity. They have suffered too much from the actions of Celestia and are wary of the divine."

Terminus, taking charge, spoke, "We shall show them through actions, not just words. Let us embark on a journey to mend the rift between Gods and Dragons, paving the way for a harmonious Teyvat."

The Sumeru landscape shook violently as a deafening explosion ripped through the air, catching the attention of Terminus and the assembled Archons. Barbatos, Morax, Makoto, Rukkhadevata, Egeria, Murata, and Tsaritsa hurried to the scene, their expressions grave as they assessed the situation.

Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, surveyed the chaos. "What in the Barbatos's name is happening here?" he exclaimed, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the monstrous Illithid attacking the Fire Moth members. While everyone looks at him with confusion and mentally screams he is Barbatos!

Terminus, his Aeon-Herrscher form radiating authority, scanned the area, his gaze settling on Nahida in the clutches of the Illithid. "Release her, creature!" he commanded, his voice resonating with power.

Meanwhile, Rukkhadevata's worry for her daughter Nahida was palpable. "Nahida!" she called out, her voice tinged with concern, while Makoto and Egeria readied themselves for battle.
The Illithid, identified as Cessk, taunted Nahida as he held her captive. "O daughter of wisdom and the end, your brain will grant me unparalleled knowledge and power of finality. I shall offer your body as a sacrifice to the Outer Gods, they will be delighted for such an offering~." he declared, his sinister intentions clear.

Bronya, ever vigilant, seized the opportunity to act. She lunged forward with an Honkai energy-powered weapon, striking Cessk with precision. The Illithid snarled in pain, dropping Nahida to the ground.

Nahida, quick to react, teleported to the safety of her parents, Rukkhadevata and Terminus. "Thank you, Bronya," she said, her voice filled with gratitude amidst the chaos.

Cessk, enraged by Bronya's interference, turned his fury towards her. "You insolent mortal! You have ruined my meal and offering to my god!" he bellowed, his abyssal aura crackling with malevolence.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Terminus unleashed his Aeon-Herrscher authority. With a wave of his hand, he attempted to mend the damage to reality caused by Cessk's presence.

Bronya, undeterred, employed her sniper skills against the relentless Illithid. Cessk, in agony, retaliated by tearing open a rift leading to the depths of the sea of quanta.

Witnessing Bronya being pulled into the tear, Terminus's resolve hardened. "No!" he exclaimed, his eyes narrowing with determination.

With swift precision, Terminus materialized a powerful sword, striking Cessk's left arm effortlessly. Cessk, now in pain and desperation, attempted to escape by creating another reality tear.
Despite Terminus's efforts, Cessk managed to flee, leaving behind a frustrated Aeon-Herrscher. "Even with this power, I couldn't protect everyone," Terminus muttered, his voice tinged with frustration.

The Archons, regrouping after the encounter, exchanged grim looks. "We must prepare for future threats," Morax stated, his tone reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Rukkhadevata, her concern for Nahida evident, nodded in agreement. "Cessk's actions indicate a larger conspiracy at play," she remarked, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of lingering danger.

As the Fire Moth members tended to their wounded, Terminus and the Archons stood united, aware that the events of that day marked the beginning of a new challenge—one that would test their strength and resolve to protect Teyvat from emerging threats.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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