Chapter 14: Teyvat and Threads of the Imaginary Tree

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The space-time rift cracked open the sky, and the once majestic starship, the Hyperion, tumbled uncontrollably through the chaotic currents of interdimensional travel. A cascade of system malfunctions contributed to the ship's turbulent descent, and it crash-landed in a dense forest within an unknown dimension. Remarkably, no one among the Hyperion crewmembers or Fire MOTH team sustained injuries from the impact.

 Remarkably, no one among the Hyperion crewmembers or Fire MOTH team sustained injuries from the impact

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Captain Terminus, his stern expression slightly softened by concern, swiftly gathered his team. "Is everyone okay?" he inquired, his gaze sweeping over the faces of Adam, Bronya, Elysia, Mei, Theresa, Sirin, Ruby, Ren, Velvet, Rita, Durandal, and the crewmembers. The resounding response of "They're okay, Captain" provided a collective sigh of relief.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Terminus wasted no time issuing orders. "Check for damages, system errors, and, most importantly, ensure the Honkai Reactor is safely shut down. We can't afford any Honkai leaks or eruptions."

As the crew dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks, a watchful observer emerged from the shadows. Rukkhadevata, the Dendro Archon of Sumeru, the very land the Hyperion found itself in, silently observed the crash. Her fair skin, elf-like ears, and luminous green eyes made her presence both divine and ethereal. Intrigued, she decided to investigate.

Meanwhile, Terminus, Adam, Bronya, Elysia, Mei, Theresa, Sirin, Ruby, Ren, Velvet, Rita, and Durandal set out to explore the dense forest

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Meanwhile, Terminus, Adam, Bronya, Elysia, Mei, Theresa, Sirin, Ruby, Ren, Velvet, Rita, and Durandal set out to explore the dense forest. Unbeknownst to them, Rukkhadevata stealthily followed, her curiosity piqued by the extraordinary powers emanating from the group.

As they ventured deeper, Ruby, Ren, and Velvet began to feel the effects of this unfamiliar world.

"Captain, something's off. I feel weaker, and exhaustion is setting in," Ruby complained, her usual vitality dimmed.

Terminus paused, considering the situation. "This world resists the flow of Honkai energy. It operates under different laws. Even us Herrschers and MANTIS like you, it's restricting our ability to draw Honkai energy from our surroundings."

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