Chapter one- new life

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Don't skip the prologues, you need to read them to understand 🫶😅

Seven months had passed since Alora had made the painful decision to leave New York and the tumultuous life she had with Enzo behind. She had settled into a small and quiet town nestled in the countryside. With only a handful of residents, it was a stark contrast to the bustling city she had called home.

Alora found solace in the tranquility of the town. She had started working at a cozy bakery run by an elderly woman named Margaret. The scent of freshly baked bread and pastries filled the air every morning, and the friendly smiles of the townspeople brightened her days.

The routines of her new life were soothing, and the picturesque surroundings offered a stark contrast to the chaos she had known. Yet, as her pregnancy progressed, she couldn't help but feel a lingering ache in her heart. She missed Enzo more with each passing day.

One quiet afternoon, as Alora arranged freshly baked pies in the bakery's window display, she couldn't help but let her mind wander back to Enzo. She recalled his charisma, his tenderness during those two days when she was so sick, and the way he had touched her life in ways she had never expected.

Margaret, the kind old woman who had become a grandmother to Alora, noticed her distant gaze. She shuffled over with a tray of cookies and a knowing smile. "Thinking of someone special, dear?"

Alora sighed, her hand gently resting on her growing belly. "Yes, Margaret, someone very special."

Margaret patted her hand in understanding. "Life has its twists and turns, my dear. Sometimes we have to make hard choices."

Alora nodded, a tear glistening in her eye. "I know. I just hope he's doing okay."

Alora continued to find comfort in the simplicity of her new life, even as she longed for the man she had left behind. She couldn't predict what the future held, but for now, she focused on preparing for the arrival of her child and finding peace in the quiet embrace of the small town she had come to call home.

Alora's days at the bakery settled into a comforting routine. Each morning, she arrived early to help Margaret prepare the dough, mix the ingredients, and shape the various pastries that would fill the display cases. The rhythmic process of baking provided a sense of purpose and stability that she had come to appreciate.

The town's residents, though few in number, had a genuine warmth that made Alora feel like she had found a second home. They greeted her with smiles and friendly chatter as they came in to pick up their daily bread or indulge in sweet treats. Alora often found herself engaged in light-hearted conversations about life in the quiet town, a welcome change from the complexities of her past.

Margaret, the backbone of the bakery, was a source of wisdom and comfort. Her eyes twinkled with stories from a lifetime of experiences, and she had taken Alora under her wing like a granddaughter. The two of them worked side by side, sharing laughter and cherished moments.

As the sun bathed the town in gentle afternoon light, Alora often took her lunch break in a nearby park. She would find a peaceful spot under the shade of a tree and watch as the world passed by, lost in her own thoughts.

It was during these moments of solitude that she felt the undeniable presence of her unborn child. She would softly speak to her belly, sharing her dreams and hopes for the little one growing inside her. It was a bond that kept her going, a source of strength during times of longing and uncertainty.

Despite the quiet contentment she found in her new life, Alora couldn't help but wonder about Enzo and the life she had left behind. She often found herself gazing at the open road leading out of town, wondering if one day it might bring the man she missed so dearly back into her life.

As the days went by and her pregnancy continued to progress, Alora was left with a lingering sense of hope. She didn't know what the future held, but she was determined to embrace the calm retreat she had found, savoring the simple joys of life and the promise of a new beginning.


One crisp autumn day, as Alora took her usual lunch break in the serene park, she noticed a woman sitting nearby, reading a book under a colorful umbrella. The woman had a friendly smile that immediately put Alora at ease. After a few days of nodding acknowledgment to each other, they finally struck up a conversation.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" the woman remarked, her book temporarily forgotten.

Alora smiled in agreement. "It really is. I can never get enough of this town's charm."

The woman extended her hand. "I'm Sarah, by the way. I've been living here for a few years now."

Alora shook her hand warmly. "I'm Alora, and I'm relatively new here. Just started working at Margaret's bakery."

Sarah's eyes brightened. "Ah, the bakery! Margaret makes the best cinnamon rolls in town. You're in good hands."

They laughed, and Alora felt a sense of camaraderie with this friendly newcomer. "I've heard about those cinnamon rolls, and they truly are amazing. I'm loving it there."

Sarah's gaze drifted towards the small town's idyllic surroundings. "You know, Alora, this town has its own kind of magic. It might not be as fast-paced as the city, but there's something special about its simplicity."

Alora nodded in agreement. "I'm starting to see that. It's like a retreat from the chaos I left behind."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, and Alora realized she had found a friend in Sarah, someone who appreciated the town's unique beauty and offered a comforting presence in her life. As they talked about local events, favorite spots, and shared stories about their lives, Alora couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected friendships that had come her way since she had moved to this quiet corner of the world.

With Sarah's friendly companionship, Alora's days in the small town became even more enjoyable.

Hi, sorry for boring chapter! Promise will be better 🫶🫶🫶😅😅😅

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